Having a chronic pain sucks because I end up playing "don't hurt myself" instead of golf.[/QUOTE said:
I find I have a tendency to "adjust" my swing when I have more aches or pain than normal..
Been having elbow problems for the first time in my life. This weekend, with all the golf I played, I also had pretty constant pain in my left forearm, especially at night when trying to go to sleep. Nothing acute, just a pronounced ache that was more than just soreness.

I don't think it's anything serious. I have seen it said that too large a grip can cause problems. I do have large hands so I got oversize grips. I'm not sure if the problem coincided directly with that or not, but since I haven't had problems earlier in my life and I do now, I may try going back to standard grips and see if that helps. I may also switch to graphite shafts for the same reason.
Neck surgery because of 2 herniated disc that caused my right tricep to atrophy , orthoscopic elbow surgery due to spurs and other junk in the joint and it will not straighten out, it lacks about 10 to 15 deg. That all being said I had a bad slice back in the day and now I hit a draw.
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Been having elbow problems for the first time in my life. This weekend, with all the golf I played, I also had pretty constant pain in my left forearm, especially at night when trying to go to sleep. Nothing acute, just a pronounced ache that was more than just soreness.

I don't think it's anything serious. I have seen it said that too large a grip can cause problems. I do have large hands so I got oversize grips. I'm not sure if the problem coincided directly with that or not, but since I haven't had problems earlier in my life and I do now, I may try going back to standard grips and see if that helps. I may also switch to graphite shafts for the same reason.

Hopefully those changes help. it is possible you could be developing neuropathy as well. My wife suffers from that, and at times, when it flares up, she has to wear a splint on her arm to get enough relief to sleep.
I'm not quite sure what this pain is but I have a sharp pain in my left elbow that radiates up and down the left arm. When the pain starts its strong enough to take me to my knees. It started about two weeks ago and I hope it ends soon. It's a new one for me.

Could be the beginning of neuropathy... if it continues, get it checked out. My wife has it, and at times she wears splints on her arm to sleep. See a chiro who is certified in A.R.T as well - they can do some amazing things.
Neck and lower back!!!!!!

Neck always feels stiff and my lower back just aches.
Right shoulder rebuilt labrum (x2) from bankhart lesion dislocation, left shoulder just crunchy. Left elbow, golfers elbow set in. Right knee, partially torn meniscus, no repairing that...back just always seems to hurt, arthritis in the fingers? Can't tell, it's too flipin' cold when I'm on the course and its 35*. Still none of it keeps me from playing (yet).
I pulled something around my ribs and just under my left shoulder blade 2 weeks ago and played with the pain for 2 rounds last weekend(I actually shot under 100 for the 3rd time while playing with the pain!) it still hurts after taking a week off. I made a doctor's appointment for next Saturday just in case it still hurts by then.

Its a weird pain, I can lift things and it doesn't hurt but it kills when I do things like getting up off the couch or any kind up turning with my arms raised.
Lower right SI joint started acting up during my 2013 Opening Round today. It was bad enough that the course was muddy/half-frozen, but the last few holes were pretty painful due to the joint problem. Four ibuprofen & ice pack helped out quite a bit.

On the bright side: I WAS FINALLY ABLE TO GOLF TODAY!! :banana:
Right shoulder rebuilt labrum (x2) from bankhart lesion dislocation

Right there with you Andrew. I blew my right out twice during baseball (funny because i'm a lefty). Ended up having it scoped and then opened up the second time. Luckily it doesn't bother me too much during rounds, but I've gained the ever popular lower back pain from sitting at work.
Did my first crossfit class yesterday and walked 18 this morning. Needless to say, my legs are pretty much useless hahs

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KellyBo and I joined a gym Friday in our new town. I worked out that day and Saturday and got a little to enthused with my workouts. I know better as I have been a gym member for a few years now. I guess the excitement took over and I was doing too many reps and my WHOLE body was aching today :beat-up:. It showed in my golf swing today too :bulgy-eyes: lol. Heading back tomorrow to do some light weight stuff and stretch the soreness out.
Did my first crossfit class yesterday and walked 18 this morning. Needless to say, my legs are pretty much useless hahs

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Wish I knew you were getting out today. Walked the east course, later in the afternoon though.

Blew out my ACL 15 years ago and it started to act up today. Couldn't bend down to line up shots, that was the worst part.
Argghh!!! I am so SORE. Played yesterday with Dance_Business. It was cart path only. The course was pretty wet, and of course my ball was always the furthest fron thet cart path. My lower back, legs, and feet are letting me know the are mad!!!
My back has been getting bad for a while. It finally went out last thursday. 2 trips to the Chiropractor with little help so far... Sucks..
My lower back hurts and I haven't even started shoveling yet! It's likely going to be the last thing I do before crashing tonight so I won't have as much to do when I wake up tomorrow!
L4 disc is still kicking my butt. It has been over a week so far and no golf. On my 4th trip to the Chiropractor today. I am hoping to be able to play by Monday... What a waste of nice weather....:banghead:
Feeling better, but still sore. I had a follow-up appointment yesterday with my neprologist for my kidney transplant. He decided it was time to remove the staples from the incisions. The nurse removing the staples said it wouldn't hurt at all. Next thing I hear is, "oh, there's some scarring over the staples, so it'll feel a little like pulling hairs." I wince, but say OK. The first couple were OK, then further removals start stinging quite a bit. She then says, "well, with the scarring covering the staples, it's going to be more like ripping off scabs, I'm sorry." Ugh. After removing a total of 34 staples, she's done and I'm sore. Fun day.
Ouch, bonk!

Even so, gotta be better than what you had to go through before.
I have a disk in my back that rests on the nerve running down my right leg. This causes permanent pins and needles in my right foot from the pinky toe to the heal. It also causes occasional charlie horses in my right hamstring. The doctors have told me that they can operate but it might make thing worse. So I have decided to live with it. It cost me about three seasons of golf. When the back goes out, it is the most painful thing I ever experienced.

The last couple of months I have been hitting golf balls daily. My back is 10 times better. I'm now trying to get the doctor to prescribe 3 rounds a week to keep things well. Maybe I can get Blue Cross to pay my green fees!
Fireitup - I have similar back issues and hurt every single night. I can play golf though. Its weird that it doesn't bother me to swing. Last year was rough. I've never experienced such pain! I went many months without playing. Could barely walk at times.
I'm such a klutz. 5 am this morning going in the kitchen to finish my cup of coffee and put up to head for work, I trip over my laptop cord and land flat on my face on the hard kitchen floor, lol. A little sort in the palms of my hands and one knee, but pretty darn lucky all in all. The coffee cup not so lucky and the clean up was horrible.
I'm such a klutz. 5 am this morning going in the kitchen to finish my cup of coffee and put up to head for work, I trip over my laptop cord and land flat on my face on the hard kitchen floor, lol. A little sort in the palms of my hands and one knee, but pretty darn lucky all in all. The coffee cup not so lucky and the clean up was horrible.

Is the laptop ok? hehehe