The Official THP Biggest Loser Contest

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But water is just so god awful. Lol

I start drinking a lot of water now that the seasons supposed to change. Last year during the peak of summer I was drinking like 2 gallons of water during work alone. Still got dehydration.

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Lol, yeah water tastes like crap, but there is always unsweetened iced tea, it's 0 points on weight watchers so I drink that when I can and it's weigh better (note the clever pun)

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Pasta is a sticky one for me. I love it, but I find it simply doesn't provide me with adequate hunger control for the calories it provides.

This would be for times when I am just craving pasta. I won't eat it a lot, I will stick with lean proteins, because pasta and breads are my weakness. I am a carbaholic.
ABout 250-300 cals in it, GG.
Also, stay far away from artificial sweeteners, as a student of biochemistry, I have learned first hand how dangerous they can be, especially Splenda, it has chlorine atoms as substituents where hydroxyl groups should be, no bueno. So just use raw sugar in moderation.

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Oh yeah. WHen I cut grains, I HATED myself for about a week. I genuinely think I was addicted to the simple, quick calories.
This would be for times when I am just craving pasta. I won't eat it a lot, I will stick with lean proteins, because pasta and breads are my weakness. I am a carbaholic.
I just found it. They have 2 kinds, elbow and penne and they are both 320 calories and 1.5 grams of fat for a 3oz bag.

Well if u can do that and a salad as a meal that's not bad at all
Well if u can do that and a salad as a meal that's not bad at all

No, it won't be bad at all, but I won't make a habit of it just because pasta really is my weakness. My eating plan is simple, go back to eating healthy, non-processed food like I have my entire life until I met JB and learned about delicious milkshakes. I will also go back to my small meals throughout the day, I have always been a grazer but the last 6 months or so I have been eating huge portions of bad food, and sometimes skipping breakfast or lunch and not realizing it, which I know is terrible for my body. When I eat several small meals a day I always end up eating less. Lastly, I plan to eat a lot more fruits and veggies, I love them so there is no excuse not to eat them. We have an amazing farmers market here and I plan to utilize it.
Lol at grazer

I'm the same way now, making it a point to eat smaller meals throughout the day, ultimately will be better than me stuffing my face for 3. And good call on the fruits, I've been eating apple's and oranges like its my job
Lol at grazer

I'm the same way now, making it a point to eat smaller meals throughout the day, ultimately will be better than me stuffing my face for 3. And good call on the fruits, I've been eating apple's and oranges like its my job

Until there is a Big Olaf's nearby. Oh wait, that isnt happening.:D
Lol at grazer

I'm the same way now, making it a point to eat smaller meals throughout the day, ultimately will be better than me stuffing my face for 3. And good call on the fruits, I've been eating apple's and oranges like its my job

I just learned that cuties are seedless, so I am going to buy some of those. Apples are one of my favorites, you can do so much with them.
Until there is a Big Olaf's nearby. Oh wait, that isnt happening.:D

Lol I've binged a little now and then, I can't resist icecream I've embraced it
I'm so excited about this thread! I'm already feeling motivated. I've made some healthy lifestyle changes over the past few months but have only lost about 3 pounds and feel myself sliding lately. I would love to lose 15 pounds by the end of this challenge.

Our menu today is baked chicken, collard greens, brown rice, and pinto beans. I used Goya Seasoning which has zero calories. I had a very small plate for dinner and will go for a brisk walk with the dog in a little while. My exercise has been simply walking and pool aerobics for now until I can get my back better.

I would love to see more low carb ideas posted along the way. I get really bored with salads and eggs.
I weighed myself this morning in preparation of starting this, and uh...

Yeah, good timing. Glad we're doing this.

I'm working out some meal ideas and a shopping list. When I lost 70 pounds before my wedding I was doing a modified South Beach, and loved both the food and the way I felt. I'm going back to that.
I feel ya Shark. Being a woman, I sure hate to send my weight to Mike! Oh well, it's not like I can hide the fact that I'm overweight. I too love the South Beach diet. I've had really good success with it in the past and it teaches you a healthy way of eating for years to come. I'll probably do a modified version too. Not sure about the initial two weeks of low carb although I know that would help me so much.
I'm avoiding the scales till tomorrow.....gonna be scary!
Now I'm hungry for pasta... Not bad if I make a small portion

Pasta is 220 for a cup and a half.
Prego sauce is 80 for half a cup
Beef is I dunno.

I'm thinking when I get paid lots of chicken and pork I love baking them. Or grilling them Hmmm.

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I feel ya Shark. Being a woman, I sure hate to send my weight to Mike! Oh well, it's not like I can hide the fact that I'm overweight. I too love the South Beach diet. I've had really good success with it in the past and it teaches you a healthy way of eating for years to come. I'll probably do a modified version too. Not sure about the initial two weeks of low carb although I know that would help me so much.

The thing I like about South Beach is that it's not a complete no-carb method, and I prefer whole grains to enriched white breads anyway.

I also liked that it acknowledges that you'll have times when you slip or cheat, and gives you an easy way to address it by going back a phase for a couple days.
You guys are really scientific! I am going for a really simple approach!
1. Move more
2. Eat less
3. Try to avoid the stuff I know is bad
4. Eat more of the stuff I know is good
i find that much easier than trying to follow diets and food plans....
for GG and any of you guys that will be craving pasta, I'd highly recommend trying whole wheat or brown rice pasta, especially whole wheat. The calories in regular pasta aren't that bad if you're in control of your portions, but there's not much nutritional value to it, other than some carbs, and it doesn't keep you feeling full for very long. I'll be honest, whole wheat pasta doesn't taste as good or have the same silky texture, but it's got protein and way more fiber, which helps you feel full longer. You can do whole wheat penne or something like that with some grilled chicken, olive oil, garlic and herbs, or a pesto and get a lot of good nutrients in. The fats from that stuff are the good ones too.
You guys are really scientific! I am going for a really simple approach!
1. Move more
2. Eat less
3. Try to avoid the stuff I know is bad
4. Eat more of the stuff I know is good
i find that much easier than trying to follow diets and food plans....

For me, if I don't plan and have the right foods available in the house, then I succumb to cravings and make easy but poor choices.
For me, if I don't plan and have the right foods available in the house, then I succumb to cravings and make easy but poor choices.
Makes sense! Given that I'm probably 300 pounds in my socks, my approach needs some work!
There are so many ways to lose weight - I hope all of us are coming out at the other end healthier and committed. Good luck everyone!
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