TaylorMade & THP Custom Staff Bag Contest

this is an awesome prize. Don't have a twitter account though, don't really want one. Good luck people!
This would make my September THP trip even Vegas-ier
This is such an amazingly spectacular opportunity by THP & TaylorMade golf. I want to win so I can be MANNY-IER! Best of luck to everyone. Thank you to THP & TaylorMade.
Cool prize. Thanks THP and TaylorMade.
Thanks THP and Taylormade. What a fantastic looking bag. I have a line of fairway woods and Driver that would look very good in that bag.
Entry submitted so once again, thanks to THP for the competition and to Taylormade for the prize

Excellent bag, and whoever wins should be proud to promote this wonderful place
Yep, I'm in, I would love to add to my staff bag collection.
This is an amazing contest. Thanks to THP and Taylormade. Someone is walking away with an incredible(-ier) bag.
All entered up!

I need this bag so that my gorgeous R1 has a place it can call home and I can show off just how much sex-ier my Hackers Paradise-ier staff bag is than everyone else's when I take it to the course!

All entered in! Thanks to THP and TM!
Great contest. I hope to be JaxGolf-IER after it is completed.
That's definitely Oneofakind-ier. I know what I'll be doing tonight, figuring out how to send my very first Tweet.

To save money on shipping, I'll just pick it up at the AC Invitational.
Off to the Twitter to complete my entry!
Entry in. What a cool one of a kind THP item this would be. Thanks THP and TaylorMade.
Entered! Love these contests!
Great giveaway...again!!! You know I am signed up!!!
I'm in! Hope to be sporting this bad boy in AC!
I'm in! Thanks THP and Taylormade!
I'm in. Thanks to TaylorMade and THP for this great contest! I have to say that I would a lot more conspicuous-ier doing my Stage 2 FW testing with this bag.

Entry done. Really would love a staff bag. Fingers crossed.
Rocketballz-ier my friends. Rocketballz-ier.
I'm in! This is very cool. Thanks THP and TM!
Cool contest. Thanks TM and THP for the opportunity! Good luck to everyone that entered.
Another great chance at another great price; THP doing the deal, as a TM, I'd like to be Talormade-IER
Wow, I would love this bag soo much, thanks THP.