
Well-known member
May 5, 2012
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Raleigh NC
How many golf shirts does everyone have in their closet?

With my most recent Alial Fital purchase I am now up to 78 Golf Polos
Had over 200 at one point last year. Gave away most. My rule is if I dont wear it with in a months time, someone else would benefit more from it than I would.
I have between 12-15 golf shirts that I wear on the course. I've been rebuilding a stock (very slowly) of moisture wicking shirts to replace conventional cotton shirts that I have been donating.

Conversely, I have about 50 dress shirts for work. Clearly, my priorities are out of line.
40 or so, I wear golf shirts to work as well.
Not sure..few dozen im guessing
Probably 50 or so. I wear them to work too.
78 ? 200 ? holy.

I think I might have 12.... and even then half of them don't get worn LOL. Many too small because I got fat, many too big because "large" seems like a proper size when people are buying gifts lol.
Somewhere in the 15 range, give or take.
12. If I don't wear them golfing during the season they are off to a friend or Goodwill.
7 or 8 just for golfing.

And apparently I need to show this thread to my wife to convince her I don't have a terrible apparel addiction...comparatively.
About 60 golf shirts.
50+ and 90% Nike. Its turning into collectibles haha.
Not sure but probably ~30.
30 or 40 probably.
Polos I'm close to 90.
Good lord, you people have a lot of shirts.
Had over 200 at one point last year. Gave away most. My rule is if I dont wear it with in a months time, someone else would benefit more from it than I would.

I need to go to your garage sell I bet you have some nice shirts.

Edit I have probably 15 to 20 but I wear one almost everyday since I wear them to work.
Strictly for golf, I have about 20.

I have some golf shirts for work, but I do not play in them.
Strictly for golf, none.

Shirts that serve double duty between casual life and golf course wear? Four.
I would guess in the neighborhood of 40. I tend to buy golf clothes much more often the golf clubs.
I used to have around 40 back in high school because i was on the golf team, Then between junior and senior year i lost 50 pounds and had to build my collection back up. i now have around 20
I have around 30-40 golf shirts and I try to wear them in rotation so I only wear them around 3-4 times a year. I am trying to thin the herd a little so if I wear a shirt and something doesn't feel right or something I put it off to the side to sell later on. I also don't try to buy anymore shirts unless it is very unique or a GREAT deal.
Somewhere between 45 to 60, I tend to buy too many. I give away about 20 to 30 every year or so.
close to 50 i saw a great idea the other day where you turn the hangers around and when you wear it you turn the hanger the right way if you don't wear it in a years time you can donate them or sell them. gonna do this beginning next year i think.
about 15 or so