It's that time again....MO-Vember!

I'm not shaving until at least April. Work in the summer with a full beard is brutal I can't do it.
I don't think I'll be doing it this year. Last time I attempted to grow facial hair I ended up looking like the main character from Team American when he was "disguised". It wasn't good.
Does this mean we see the Cookie Pedo-stache again :bulgy-eyes:
I've got my stache carved out. Gotta get a pic taken.
I can't wait for the pictures to start flying up here. The pics and comments that follow make me laugh so hard.
What a heart breaker. I think the pups over at the shelter would get a real sense of calm from CookieStache2013.

It worked. She just said "ahhh, why not".

Consider it done! 4 days behind but will catch up.

It worked. She just said "ahhh, why not".

Consider it done! 4 days behind but will catch up.


avoid driving vans and parking in front of elementary schools
Starting pic:


Cookie's ride of choice for November.
Your wife likes it when I talk.

Golf Ghost: that pictures now has dubs baby!

But I saw this sucker in the parking lot yesterday. I was full of LOLs..