On-Course Behaviors That Drive You Crazy

Although I have done a few of these in the past before realizing how stupid I looked. The one thing for me now is slow play. I get out of rhythm and then seeing how the people in front of me are slow and the line forming behind me, I tend to rush my next shot and completely Charles Barkley it.
Fix your swing guy kills me, as does the guy that just won't shut up no matter what.

I am at times the guy who takes it too serious, and I try to rein myself in as much as possible to stay positive and remember, you aren't that good to get this upset.
Too much sucks, but as I mentioned in another thread, I don't want to play with a mute either!

I agree I don't want a mute but I don't always want to talk, I prefer to walk when possible.
Most of the big ones have been mentioned. The one slow play aspect that drives me nuts is when a cart partner won't figure out his shot until it's his turn to hit. This is the guy that when there are four balls in the fairway and the group is waiting for the green, unless he is to be first to hit, he won't so much as look at his situation until it is his turn to hit. Unless your ball is 50 yards ahead and you will be in everyone's way, get out of the cart, get to your ball, assess your situation, get a club and be prepared for when it is your turn. I'm not saying you have to stand over the ball with club in hand waiting for the green, just figure out what you want to do so you're ready when the time comes.
1. Cigarette butts on the tee box and/or green
2. People searching for lost balls that have no chance of finding it
3. people who are not ready to play when it's their turn be they're on on cell phones, sit and wait until its their turn to then check for yardage, select a club, address the situation, etc...

just to name a few
Young (18-35) lazy butts!! Cant walk up to the greens & bunkers NO..they got to drive the carts right up to the edge. I'm old & fat but aint that dang lazy
I don't mind bad golfers. I don't mind cheap golfers. I'm not a fan of bad cheap golfers. If you're a bad golfer, just bring 2 dozen golf balls, so if you lose one, you're not spending forever looking for every golf ball.

Otherwise, I think the only behavior I dislike on the course is the behavior of my golf ball in flight.
Most of the big ones have been mentioned. The one slow play aspect that drives me nuts is when a cart partner won't figure out his shot until it's his turn to hit. This is the guy that when there are four balls in the fairway and the group is waiting for the green, unless he is to be first to hit, he won't so much as look at his situation until it is his turn to hit. Unless your ball is 50 yards ahead and you will be in everyone's way, get out of the cart, get to your ball, assess your situation, get a club and be prepared for when it is your turn. I'm not saying you have to stand over the ball with club in hand waiting for the green, just figure out what you want to do so you're ready when the time comes.
Couple this with the guy who parks 25 yards from his ball, assesses his situation without a club in hand, and has to make at least one more round trip before taking a dozen practice swings prior to topping his ball thirty feet down the fairway.
I don't like the competitive guy who doesn't count well.
I don't like the competitive guy who doesn't count well.

I really dislike "Tee box vine" guy...

That's not true at all :)
Young (18-35) lazy butts!! Cant walk up to the greens & bunkers NO..they got to drive the carts right up to the edge. I'm old & fat but aint that dang lazy

Don't toss me in that group lol
1. Constant talking on the cellphone drives me nuts.

2. Not fixing ballmark on the green.

3. The people who feel they are above the rules and drive the cart in the fairway when "cart path only" is in effect. It is disrespectful to the golf course.
I hate old guys that hit every fairway and outdrive me.
That was a joke for bulldog by the way :)
I kew it as soon as I read "old" . Lmao
How about "automatic two putt" guy? Doesn't matter if he putts the ball 15ft by the hole, ATP will reach out and drag the ball back instead of actually putting the 2nd putt. I played with one guy who tried to do this with money on the line. My playing partner, never one to mince words, stated quietly but firmly: "you try that again and I'll break your arm."
People who scream and yell after hitting a shot.
Constantly inputting data into Golflogix or whatever app instead of being ready to play the next shot.
How about "automatic two putt" guy? Doesn't matter if he putts the ball 15ft by the hole, ATP will reach out and drag the ball back instead of actually putting the 2nd putt. I played with one guy who tried to do this with money on the line. My playing partner, never one to mince words, stated quietly but firmly: "you try that again and I'll break your arm."

Over serious guy...hehe

With money on the line, I think I would probably say something similar.
How about "automatic two putt" guy? Doesn't matter if he putts the ball 15ft by the hole, ATP will reach out and drag the ball back instead of actually putting the 2nd putt. I played with one guy who tried to do this with money on the line. My playing partner, never one to mince words, stated quietly but firmly: "you try that again and I'll break your arm."

Hey now, drag putts are gimmes anyway! hehehe

Speaking of which, this thread needs a revival: http://www.thehackersparadise.com/forum/showthread.php?21180-Drag-Putting
People who scream and yell after hitting a shot.

I now curse quietly, though I get pretty loud when I sink a long putt or make birdie.
I hate old guys that hit every fairway and outdrive me.

I've been forced to hand money to those old farts at the end of a round! :beat-up:
The thing that drivers me the most crazy is when other players offer unsolicited advice. This is especially bad if they are not very good golfers themselves!