Highlights from Team DotCom Group Chat


Former Big Deal
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
So JB said on Saturday if we managed to win the Morgan Cup, I had to post the content of the Team DotCom group chat were had begun using after Captain mward made the selections. While no one has the time or the stomach for the entirety of the contents, I will post some of the highlights periodically. These selections represent the kind of group dynamic we had. Please bear in mind these are just from June/July.

Seth Diamond
I was going to make a "Pete will be there to lend a hand" post in the MC thread, but even I'm not that much of a jerk.

Mike Ward
Any time Ken swears, I feel like we're doing something right

Quit dumping on my improvement Cap.
Mike Ward
Shut up David
Sorry I want to make you a Morgan Cup legend.

Mike Ward
Ricky Bobby drove a car with a broken arm Pete. I have faith in you.

Please tell me this chat continues after the MC. I will miss all of this.
But I will throw you all under the bus to get into Granddaddy FYI

more to come...
HAHAHAHAHA okay that made me laugh.
This has catastrophe written all over it.
I have been looking forward to this.
What happened to the trust tree, with the nest?
After about 2 weeks of almost every person on the team getting injured or hurt in some fashion..

"Fupresti: It seems like Blue Cross Blue Shield is the new official sponsor of Team Dot Com"

That made me laugh pretty hard.
If you guys had as many posts each month on THP as that chat had, it sure would have been cool. :alien:
If you guys had as many posts each month on THP as that chat had, it sure would have been cool. :alien:

Wait you had that thought too? Hehe
If you guys had as many posts each month on THP as that chat had, it sure would have been cool. :alien:

How many Frozen posts can you make to hit post count?
This thread will be epic

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Haha awesome awesome thread, can't wait for more.
If you guys had as many posts each month on THP as that chat had, it sure would have been cool. :alien:

Some team was able to do both.


Highlights from Team DotCom Group Chat

Omg !!! Ward looks like a young T Immelmann

Proud Member of #TeamParadise
Oh boy this thread will be fun!!! Love it guys!

My absolute favorite response in the 7 months of Group Chats was from that silly lawyer in the south, right after Matt was named as my replacement:

Seth Diamond
I now remember him from the Tank putter testing. He did a good job with that.

I may like the new (Petey) more than old (Petey) after all.

Kind of like when your dog dies and your parents get you a new one. Hurts for a little bit, but you quickly forget about the old (Petey).
This thread is going to be classic.
Haha some funny stuff
Incredible stuff in this thread so far! Can't wait for more. Seth's comments about the new and old Petey are flippin hilarious!
Mike Ward
Any time Ken swears, I feel like we're doing something right
Right there. Ken swearing is like... some crazy Ole Gray metaphore for something that doesn't happen very often involving a furry woodland creature or some sort of southern "cuisine".
Right there. Ken swearing is like... some crazy Ole Gray metaphore for something that doesn't happen very often involving a furry woodland creature or some sort of southern "cuisine".

Greg, buddy, you've played golf with me before. I know you've heard a few expletives escape from me from time to time. LOL. At one point in the Morgan Cup I had to look back at Kevin (T2GRN18) who was filming a putt of mine (I think) and say "you can bleep that can't you?"