Flu shot: Yes, no thanks or no way?

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Won't bother in future though, as I'm still not convinced they serve much purpose.
The problem with vaccines is that they are so damn effective that people wonder what the fuss is all about. They are essentially a victim of their own success. I can guarantee that if we stopped all vaccination programs, in a matter of a couple of years people would be begging for their reinstatement ... pretty much because the infant and children population would be decimated, and along with that every parents pocketbook and job (children can't take care of their sick selves at home). And if the non-child population thinks "Well, that won't affect me." guess again. Who is going to do all the work of the parent who has to stay home two weeks because their child just picked up chicken pox, and another month when the kid picks up measles.

I honestly don't get the anti-vaccine argument. It generally free or real cheap for people, very safe, very quick, and painless(YMMV). Just like any disease, the more people vaccinated the better. Look at all the issues we have with measles and crap because of kids raised by anti-vaccers. Take the 10 min at the pharmacy and get the darn thing. When you aren't a conduit for flu, everyone around you will thank you.
A-f'n-men. I'd give you a huge hug right now if we were in the same room. Awkward, I know ... but I just love this comment.
The problem with vaccines is that they are so damn effective that people wonder what the fuss is all about. They are essentially a victim of their own success. I can guarantee that if we stopped all vaccination programs, in a matter of a couple of years people would be begging for their reinstatement ... pretty much because the infant and children population would be decimated, and along with that every parents pocketbook and job (children can't take care of their sick selves at home). And if the non-child population thinks "Well, that won't affect me." guess again. Who is going to do all the work of the parent who has to stay home two weeks because their child just picked up chicken pox, and another month when the kid picks up measles.

A-f'n-men. I'd give you a huge hug right now if we were in the same room. Awkward, I know ... but I just love this comment.
Related but not the same my friends pediatrician refused to see their child if they were anti-vaccers. Also my grad school has had numerous measles and mumps cases this year. I hadn't heard if new cases in my life since people got shots. Thanks Jenny McCarthy and your pseudoscience. That guy that published the crappy article linking vaccines to autism should be locked up.
The problem with vaccines is that they are so damn effective that people wonder what the fuss is all about. They are essentially a victim of their own success. I can guarantee that if we stopped all vaccination programs, in a matter of a couple of years people would be begging for their reinstatement ... pretty much because the infant and children population would be decimated, and along with that every parents pocketbook and job (children can't take care of their sick selves at home). And if the non-child population thinks "Well, that won't affect me." guess again. Who is going to do all the work of the parent who has to stay home two weeks because their child just picked up chicken pox, and another month when the kid picks up measles.

I'm not anti vaccine at all. Just not convinced that the flu shot is anywhere near effective enough to bother with. Then again, until this year, I've never had a flu shot in my life and never had a bad bout of the flu. It's far more popular and widely available over here than it is back home which probably explains the different attitude towards it.
Got mine 6 weeks ago, free with my medicare advantage plan. This great program (medicare) and senior golf rates are some of the very few advantages of older age. Some guy on television as I post is still ranting about Obamacare. Weirdly made me think of this. When I was in my early 60's even though I was slowly getting used to significant annual health insurance premium increases, since my health was very good and just to avoid a small part of those skyrocketing insurance premium annual increases I OPTED FOR A 15,000 DEDUCTIBLE which only saved around 100 or slightly more per month. Since lots of folks almost act like Obamacare is the biggest evil on the planet interesting that my skyrocketing insurance premiums existed years before the Obama affordable care act was even a law. Interesting how politics and the story they all spin polarizes people.

I also got a shingles shot, that one cost $35, my doc had a change in his view on the shingles shot.
I'm not anti vaccine at all. Just not convinced that the flu shot is anywhere near effective enough to bother with. Then again, until this year, I've never had a flu shot in my life and never had a bad bout of the flu. It's far more popular and widely available over here than it is back home which probably explains the different attitude towards it.
I think you just hit on Deuce's argument. Other people that get the shot keep the flu out of your sphere of influence so you don't feel you need it. That's the problem we are now having with MMR (measles, mumps, rubella). If one or two skip the shot, no biggie. When a lot of people skip it, the vaccine wall has too many holes.
No thanks. Last two times I got the shot I got sick.
There are?

There's a lawsuit out there concerning employment termination due to refusal to take a mandated vaccination that was filed by a nurses union (and other healthcare workers around the country) if that's what you are referencing. Much different scenario than a nurse's union refusing to take the flu shot. It's a labor dispute.

Semantics. The union is backing nurses who don't elect to take the shot.
I think you just hit on Deuce's argument. Other people that get the shot keep the flu out of your sphere of influence so you don't feel you need it. That's the problem we are now having with MMR (measles, mumps, rubella). If one or two skip the shot, no biggie. When a lot of people skip it, the vaccine wall has too many holes.

Well, first, the Flu shot and MMR are two separate arguments. And to be fair, I've spent the vast majority of my life surrounded by millions who didn't have the flu shot and still not got it.
Semantics. The union is backing nurses who don't elect to take the shot.

Right, but that's not semantics.

One would be saying: We the nurse's union don't support flu shots.
The other says: We are backing our represented employees (that pay dues) so they won't get fired for refusing a flu shot.

Does NFLPA support child abuse by backing Adrian Peterson in appeal of his suspesion? Big difference.
I got the flu shot at work for free back in October. I have gotten it the past 3 years. I don't see a good reason not to.
This is such a hot topic and there's some many things out there but being in public safety, I always get it.
I started getting the shot 3 years ago. Work has made it pretty inconvenient if I refused to take it.
First, if you request a single dose flu shot, it comes without the preservative Thimerosal. Only the multi-dosage vials contain Thimerosal.

Second, thimerosal when broken down by the body forms ethylmercury which is quickly cleared from the body and has been shown, repeatedly, to be non-toxic. Environmental mercury, such as that consumed when eating fish, is methylmercury which - in high enough doses - can cause nervous system issues and is not easily removed by the body.

That's why I don't eat animals either. I get all my other vaccinations, just don't mess with the Flu one for the other reason I mentioned.
Yep. Get mine free at work. Had one for the last 15 years or so.
52 - Yes
35 - No

I'm actually surprised the Yes's are that high. Expected it to be around 50/50.
I refuse to get them anymore. The last two times I got a flu shot I ended up getting sicker both years than any other. I will let my bodies natural Immune system take care of me.
Haven't gotten one. Haven't decided if I will be getting one.

Generally I don't because I live a pretty low exposure life in terms of the flu. I'm on in crowded areas, and always in fresh air (outside by myself a lot in other words.)

But now that I have a part time job at a fast food place, I'm thinking about it as my exposed to carriers sky rocketed.
Every year and haven't had the flu since I started getting them. Of course I'm an old f**t.

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No. I get the flu every year. It knocks me down hard and I'm a big baby when I get it. Went 10 years straight getting one and got sick every year. Stopped getting one and got sick every year too. Since I hate needles, I'll pass. I will say that since I stopped smoking, my bouts with the flu are not so bad

At my school if you're 49 or younger they gave you a nasal spray (no needles!). They said not enough evidence yet that the spray works better on older dudes, so shoy for me this year - for the first time.

Nope...never have and never will

Never say never, Mike. (Didn'y you learn this from James Bond yet?:alien:)

Since I'm hands-on with literally hundreds of coughing high schoolers each year, I decided to start getting them.
Looks like the trend from this thread is the older guys get 'em more than the younger guys. Makes sense. I think I don't bounce back from being sick as quickly as I used to. Probably a good idea if you're getting older or if you work in a flu incubator like a school or hospital.

Washing hands is still the best way to avoid it, but that's harder to do in a school setting (I'm not washing them every time I handle something the kids have been pawing or coughing on).
You bet, I get one every year.
Not for me.

Just crazy coincidence I'm sure, but every year I've got a flu shot I ended up getting pretty sick with the flu at some point after that.
You cant get the flu from the flu shot or mist...
It is free at work but I haven't got one for 4-5 yeras. Last time I got verry sick but that is porpably just coincident but have escaped the flu the last years.
I have diabetes so it is pretty much a requirement.
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