Flu shot: Yes, no thanks or no way?

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I only did it once before, a few years ago although I haven't been sick in years (save for a horrendous bout of food poisoning). Although adamant that the kids get it, I'm a hypocrite. While I'm still young enough to safely get through it, I can handle a week or so of misery if I happen to get sick. ?
I get one each year as well. I'm in Doctor's offices all day for work, so I make sure to get one to fight off any exposure I may run into. I also keep a script of Tamiflu around too!
Nope. Gotten the shot twice and the flu both times. Haven't gotten it in 7 years and don't plan on doing it anytime soon.
Yes...Every year
No, no need to.
Nope. Never have and never plan to at this point.
Well since I have no choice in the matter I guess I will vote yes...
I got it a couple weeks ago. Just because you get the shot doesn't mean you won't get the flu; doesn't cover every strain. But it improves your odds of not getting it.
Yes, I get one every year.
No, haven't in years and continue to see no need for it.
Yes! The one time I had the flu it hit as I was driving my brother home from the airport on the evening of Dec 23rd and didn't let up until after New Year's. That was the most miserable holiday of my life and I hardly remember any of it

After that, I promised myself that I would always get a flu shot either from my doctor or from a drugstore that offers them.
I never used to, but have over the last several years. I typically didn't get the flu when I didn't get one, and I don't think I've had it (real bad anyway) since I've been getting one. My work has people come in and give the shots for free so I might as well. Plus, my wife works at a hospital and we have two kids in different schools, so no telling what kind of stuff gets brought into our house on a daily basis.
No flu shots. I did it a couple of times & was the worse I've ever been sick. I'll take my chances on my own
No for me. It's not a guarantee you won't get it. It only "supposedly" lessens the effect and the coup de grâce they guesstimate which strain will be the most virulent during that season. Why put something foreign in my body based on a guesstimate that may or may not come to pass. So I too pass.
I get mine for 2 reasons, mainly because I suffered a Transient Ischaemic Attack in my early 30's, but an added bonus now is that for everyone at work who has it is given an extra day of annual leave (I work in healthcare)

I got it a couple weeks ago. Just because you get the shot doesn't mean you won't get the flu; doesn't cover every strain. But it improves your odds of not getting it.

And I have to laugh at all of those who refuse to have it because they say that the one time they did get it, they got the flu.....
No thank you.
Yes. Odds of complication from flu are far greater than complication from the vaccine, especially if young, or old.
I do only b/c they come to my work to give it to us, plus its free
LOL. Yes. Only with my tinfoil hat on though.
My work does them for free, so I got one. No reason not to.
Absolutely. I'm a teacher, and I would take any immunization I could get. I love my job, but dang. Navigating flu season around middle schoolers feels like running unarmed through enemy territory.
Some nurse's unions refuse to take the flu shot. That's good enough for me.
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