Who is you least favorite Golf Announcers ?

Jim Nance
Johnny Miller hands down, I think Charlie Rymer (I don't think he does) would make a great on course commentator I enjoy listening to him on morning drive.
Peter Kostis.
Johnny Miller for sure
For me it has to be Notah Begay (although he's just on course usually) - he has no personality whatsoever, just totally flat. Johnny Miller I don't love either, but at least he has his ridiculous "Miller-isms" to keep things interesting.
How can people not like Jim Nantz? He's amazing and his voice and demeanor is perfect for golf.
You know who's caught my ear lately and it started when he was doing early play by play at The Open last year......David Duval. He has got a knack for this and provided so much more insight on what is happening at that very moment. So very refreshing compared to what is currently out there. I hope he stays with it cause I think people are starting to notice.....as with his more frequent guest appearances on the Golf Channel now.

Whoops: Edit, just noticed this was for WORST announcer. LOL. Oh well, Duval does not need to be in this thread then. Ha!
Chamblle and Begay. Can't stand either of them.
How can people not like Jim Nantz? He's amazing and his voice and demeanor is perfect for golf.

I agree. Jim is perfect for the setting IMO
I like Notah Begay, but I think he is an awful annoucer
Would have to be Johnny Miller for me, just can't stand listening to him.
Miller until Joe Buck gets his hands on the US open
I'm going against the grain and say I actuallly like Johnny Miller. He was my second favorite player after Nicklaus and I have always been fond of him. He must be doing something right or he would not have had his contract extended recently. I suppose the one that can rub me the wrong way at times is Brandel Chambly
Venturi would have been my hands-down pick from the past. Now I would have to say Gary Koch when he starts a sentence with the long, drawn out "Weeell...."
i like johnny miller, but sometimes his brain gets ahead of his mouth and he struggles to catch up, and usually says something pretty stupid.

my least favorite would be chamblee because i think he's a blowhard, pompous, arrogant know-it-all who is a grade a moron. second least favorite would be gary koch because he just sounds like he's trying too hard to be funny/different.
Johnny Miller and Brandel Chamblee have to be the two worst in the business IMO.

Agreed I hate how Brandel goes on this long journey of a speech when he could have said something in 5-10 seconds.
Johnny Miller hands down. He is a conceded douche
CHRIS BERMAN! He is absolutely horrible, and it's not even close!!!!
Johnny Miller beats out Berman in my book mainly due to frequency of broadcasts. They are both awful.

Same for me. If Berman was on as much as Miller, I'd probably dislike him more, but Johnny is the clear winner for me. Most of all, I hate that he gets the reputation of "telling it like it is." I'm all for that, but I don't think it's what he does. He condescends and acts as if every shot that isn't perfect is a bad shot. The best are putts. Listen to how many times he says something like "this is really an easy putt" as if every tour pro should make every 25 footer.
Nantz. No one else is close.
I picture him with a deck of index cards with all of the "spontaneous" calls he has thought up.
He has spent his broadcasting life waiting for his "Do you believe in miracles?" moment. It ain't coming.
Johnny "Too cool for school" Miller is my least favorite by far and Tom Abbot is a distant second least favorite.
Nantz. No one else is close.
I picture him with a deck of index cards with all of the "spontaneous" calls he has thought up.
He has spent his broadcasting life waiting for his "Do you believe in miracles?" moment. It ain't coming.
EXACTLY!! Much more eloquent than my "you hit a nerve" off the cuff post
Agree on Nantz, very fake for mine. Wayne Riley on the Euro tour is rubbish, also.