Unexpected and sudden gain of distances

Michigan Slice

This Guy Cant dance...
Aug 7, 2012
Reaction score
Merrill, MI
Ok, this may seem a little odd...
But prior, to just a couple rounds ago, these seemed to be my distances:

Driver- 200-210
3w 190-195
HeavenWood 185-190
4h 160-170
5i 150
6i 140
7i 130
8i 120
9i 110
Pw 100
52* 90
55* 80
58* 70

I am making a little better contact, I've been working on my stretching a little, not trying to over swing, but trying to focus on powering through the entire swing.
And I've picked up considerable (I think) distance.

Driver 220-230
3w 210
Heavenwood 195-200
4h 190
5i 175-180
6i 165-170
7i 160
8i 145-150
9i 135
Pw 125
52* 90
55* 85-90
58* 70-75

I've really tried to keep the same wedge swings as before, because I felt it is a better part of my game, and I do tend to get a little steep, and dig.
Example of this is last weekend in Ohio, I tried to see if I could hit my 52 as my 100-110 club, and dug an incredible pelt, about 4" wide x 10" long x an inch deep! Yeah, I'll keep my normal wedge swings for now.

I've found the increased distance to take other stresses off my game, still not a ton of GIR but improving, but getting closer and into the bump and runs where I can, and having a little more confidence that I font have to "step on one" to get distance, and thus over swinging and inviting other faults and troubles into my swing.

I like that I'm seemingly picking up distances with my woods and driver also, and will continue to be working on flexibility, and finishing the swing and not "hitting at" the ball but swinging through it.

I'll admit, I'm very stubborn, but seem to be maybe, just maybe seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Nice, keep doing what you're doing. I gained a ton of distance when I shortened my swing, better contact and more speed.
Congrats on the improvement! It looks like you're hitting the sweet more often now.

I've been going through the same over the last couple of months. My progress isn't as big as yours, but at least a club and a half from the 7i down. For me, I think it's solely because of better contact, as my swing or SS haven't changed at all.
You have always had this in you once you grooved the swing. It has come a bit more repeatable and at #TheGrandaddy what I saw was a guy that trusted it a bit more. Keep at it and more will be there.
Very nice CJ! Making solid contact will trump a hard, out of control swing almost every time.

I am in the same boat and your previous distances and the new gains you have almost match me. I have more gain with the longer shaft than the shorter shafted clubs but every club has a distance gain and its something that I am more than happy with.

This gain has just happened in the last two months and not only has it come as a bit of a surprise to me but those I play with are a little shocked too which is fun.

All of it down to two things, I started doing my gym routine with free weights (barbell/dumbbell and kettle bell workouts) on a bosu ball makes sure everything you do includes balance and makes all your core muscles work that little harder which then in turn then gives you a stable platform to swing from and boy does it work.

The other is targeted stretching, got those from a Rick Shiels YouTube video. I've been doing those and all I can is I feel great after doing both of these activities and what a difference.
With you on this. I've been on a swing change journey in the last year that's seen my driver go from 220/230 carry to 270+ carry. Couple things, I think, made that happen for me:

1) Swing thought: I think wide/long/smooth with strong V with arms on take away making sure to load the wrists at end of back swing. Smooth and long back through. Easy tempo.
2) GRIP (have gotten more disciplined about gripping the club down the base of the fingers) which has really allowed me to release the clubhead.
3) Cut my driver to 44" and weighted to D2
4) Make a full swing, turning through the ball. Quick but even tempo, rhythm. DO NOT OVERSWING.

For me, getting consistent with the correct grip was key. Before I did, the wrists did not release the club completely and I could only swing harder/faster with my arms to get distance. Once I got the correct grip, the clubhead releases and I can generate tons of speed through lag/wrist. That has allowed me to swing my arms at a better, more relaxed tempo and hit the sweet spot better and hit the ball both further and more accurately.
Keep up the good work CJ, those gains are impressive.
Shows the hard work is paying off CJ, keep it up!!
Way to go CJ! Keep up the hard work
Congrats CJ! I knew you would eventually get there buddy! so happy you finally are seeing all the hard work paying off.
Nice Cj, keep it going..
Nice work CJ! Sounds like you're finally grooving things, which is awesome. I'm not close to the point when I can go on the course and just put my swing on auto pilot, but sounds like you're almost there, if not already.
That's got to feel good. Keep it up!
Not odd at all, good work! Better contact = well...better everything
I'll have some of what he's having :)

Seriously CJ, congrats on the improvement. 20 yard gain with the driver and 30 yards with the 7 iron is huge, it's like your playing a whole new game now.

What stretching exercises are you doing? Obviously they along with your work are showing huge benefits.
Stretching & Flexibility really pay off - good for you CJ!
I would guess that your results are due to a combo of factors, all of which are improving your game - Keep at it!!
Your old distances are basically identical to my current ones. I have, a few times this year, hit shots that go quite a bit further, so I hope I'm on the same improvement curve as you. I also fight the overly steep downswing, and I'm glad to hear a few THPers are succeeding at overcoming it. It's very encouraging! Keep up the good work!
Nice work CJ. Glad to hear it.

That's awesome, man! Keep doing whatever you are doing. Your before distances are basically identical to mine. Freaky:D
Trust it buddy, those are great results and improvement, well done my friend.
That's awesome man. It's amazing how that can happen.
Great to hear this CJ. And as JB said, you will see more gains as you continue to practice.
Keep up the good work CJ. Love seeing you excited about your progress!