Grandaddy 2015 - Next contest?

I think JB and myself should definitely be added to the Grandaddy. Why me? Check the HOF tag. If Zoocrew really wants to be considered the best you need to beat the best. Just like me and Heritage won #THPLegacy, me and Redemption will take down the Zoocrew and win the Grandaddy, maybe serve you some pancakes after. Don't pick me if you're scared of losing.
If at all possible Josh should be included in this great match. After all, without his vision, none of this would ever have happened.

I would not like to change our captain, Jman in any shape or form as he is THE man for the job, but how about having Josh as an 'honorary member' of the team.

Why not also suggest that The Zoo Crew have an 'honorary member" on their side.

I know Josh does not put himself in the frame very often for these events so it is up to us to get this man in there.

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This might the hardest thing for me to type in the history of me typing things but... You are 100% right Finley. JB and I should be added to the team. Let me go wash my hands in gasoline now for agreeing with you. #TeamRedemption needs all the leaders it can get.
Oh HELL yes! Let's see it people!!!

TWELVE in the Grandaddy??? TWELVE #ZooCrewers? JB in for #Redemption???


12 players on the field never sounded so good huh coach?
Yes, I wholeheartedly endorse this. More THPers also means more ZooCrew which just means more awesomeness all around. Besides, I would love to be at an event where JB is part of the competition. He puts so much into this site he deserves to be a part of the Grandaddy of them all!

I say it should be me because I love THP, and bleed THP Green. I had a blast with the Zoo Crew at last year's Gauntlet but didn't get time to interact with very many of you. I would love the opportunity to hang out more with the ZooCrew. I will play hard and have fun and I would fight my damndest to do well and try to win that belt for THP, but regardless I want the experience. I want to be fitted for clubs, I want to play the Hideaway. I want to hold the belt....I want it all.
This is amazing, as always

Why should JB be in the granddaddy? Because none of us would even have a chance at any of this stuff if it weren't for his vision and for his love of the game. Everyone has told him he's crazy when it came to his ideas but yet they always shine when finished. THP is like a family and it only makes sense for him to be in something he envisioned.

Why should it be me? Because I have played with JB before and know the fun he has while playing, and while me and him may not share a cart during the event, I know that fun attitude he brings would rub off amongst the other 11 guys I play with and it would help team THP bring the belt back where it belongs.
As the Grandaddy is the supreme event of all golf forums. The Ryder cup matches up two teams of twelve and why not making the best tournament in forum golf the equivalent. In addition, having two additional THPer will now make for two more victorys over the zoocrew.
We should think about adding a non playing coach (Capitain/mascot) for each team.
Of course JB needs to be a part of the Grandaddy. Without him and Morgan all of us #internetgolfers would be lost, congregating amongst the seedier parts of the internet where people like to spy and obsess over Circle T putters. I refuse to think about such atrocities.
JB and TheWoo should be added to #TeamRedemption. As for why TheWoo should come?

I have a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long hacking career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you don't add me to the team that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, and you'll be sad because I'm a good time. But if you do add me to the team, I will look for you at the Hideaway, I will find you, and I will beat you 6&5.
JB +11 other examples of awesome THP'ers enjoying the hospitality of Callaway, ECPC, The Hideaway and others?...
It's a slam dunk isn't it?
The more the merrier I would think!
I mean, it is the Mutha Effin' Grandaddy of em all!!

Let's let JB and another (hopefully me) join in on the festivities!
I'll even finish that bottle of Malort.....
We should think about adding a non playing coach (Capitain/mascot) for each team.

Trust me, I am more mascot than player, so it fits.
I'm going to volunteer my leadership to team redemption. A team without leaders is like a foot without a big toe, and JB isn't always going to be there to be that big toe for us. But for this Grandaddy 2015, I think JB deserves another shot at redemption, so let's hear it for our THP big toe!

*sadly, even if I was blessed with this amazing opportunity, I wouldn't be able to attend...but i got caught up in the spirit of the contest so wanted to put an entry in. Please don't consider me for the contest.
You really want JB in on the road to #redemption...I'm not sure you could handle him and what he is capable of doing to your lofty record. He not only deserves this but will make even the comfort stations seem painful with what he is bringing to the inevitable winning team. Without him..we know not another.

So yes...I like this idea. It's been too long since I've had the fortunate opportunity to tee it up with the man himself. I need to be a part of the gold, the upset, the memories that last a life time. Golf will have new meaning and the new friendships across both sides that are formed will be priceless. To experience the greatest matches to date and the event itself that sets a new level of perfection. Yes...I want to be a part of this winning combination.
I absolutely love this idea! JB is a sure thing in my book. Honestly I'd love the other person to be Morgan, but she is probably shaking her head no as she reads this. If not I think it should go to a staff member. Each and everyone of them sacrifice more than any of us can fathom.

You hit the nail on the head. Without JB the GrandDaddy would not be here and he definitely should enjoy his time out there. I also like to throw Hawk's name in the hat as that man has done so much for so many on this site. It would be an awesome way to thank him for the hard work and dedication he has given to THP over the years.
Trust me, I am more mascot than player, so it fits.

Well, I wasn't meaning that way but it seems it was a compliment! Go JB!
It pains me I'm not able to make this, but I think JB should be a part of it because he seems to thrive in match play and deserves to be a part of this tremendous experience after all the work he puts in to THP to make it what it is.

And an extra THPer in addition to JB would be awesome to spread the Grandaddy love, no pun intended.
I think JB and I should be added to #TeamRedemption and here's why. First JB is a awesome dude and from the short time I have been apart of this wonderful community he truly cares about us average joes. I've got to meet him once and the passion he has for THP blows me away and his work ethic is freaking top notch. I would love to join him to help bring the Zoocrew down. Until THP I have never owned or even hit anything Callaway but seeing how much the company cares swayed me to buy Callaway and I have never looked back. I would love to Rep nothing but Callaway and I would do it with pride.
Hell yah I think it's a great idea, the more the merrier right?

JB should definitely get in as he works so hard for this site and so many people get to reap the rewards of his hard work, the GranDaddy being the perfect example.

Why should I get in? Because it'd be a complete blast and I'd love every second of it, oh and I'm definitely not a Richard.
JB and GG have giving their all for this site and the grandaddy of em all,"Absolute perfection"! While I know he would rather have another THPer experience this event, being selected to represent THP is a big honor for whomever is selected and there only two people in my mind (sorry mods and forum leaders) that I think of when I see/say/read THP: JB and GG. I think THP vs Zoocrew and JB is synonymous with THP. As for me, I'd love nothing more than to be selected to the #teamredemption in this event. The people, the friendships, the golf course, the equipment are all first class! I will give my all to be a part of this team, including selling off all my old equipment and donating the entire proceeds of the sale to "The Folds of Honor" - THP's albatross club beneficiary this year, on behalf of THP and Callaway Golf #zoocrew.
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Why should myself and JB be in the grandaddy?

Rule number #1 for Team Redemption? Don't be a Richard! My name definitely isn't Richard and neither is JB's. I've been lucky enough to go to numerous THP events and every time JB is the freaking man. Goes above and beyond for complete strangers while making lifetime friendships. None of this is possible without JB (and Morgan).

As for myself, I want to get that taste for competitive golf back. Help my community bring back that belt! I've got my handicap as low as it's ever been and I'm more than ready for this! The chance to join my best friend (phillyV), play golf at the best course, with the best equipment, the best people around and the best OEM is, as TBaker put it, absolute perfection!
Why JB and I should be in the grandaddy? Well...I've been to 5 events this year and JB hasn't gotten to play in any of them. I know it's because he wants to make sure everything runs smoothly and we can get in as many others as possible, but I think he's due for some action on the course.

Why should I be the one to join with him? I'd like to think I have a strong resume for being a THP "rookie of the year" since joining in December 2014. I have been one of the more active members on the site (with at least some of it being a contribution), and I have competed and traveled to 5 events this year so far. This past weekend at the Gauntlet I showed that I can travel my handicap to a difficult course, and compete in stiff competition. To cap this year off with a chance to take back the grandaddy belt for THP, that would be incredible. Plus there is already a Colin and a Baker on team redemption, so we might as well have me in there with the name all in one.
JB!!! You know it. He deserves it for all that he's done for us regular guys!!

As for me, you guys need some international flair with this event. Let's get some Canadian boys in this event!
Here is a quote from my favourite commercial that happens to be from the beer company, Molson Canadian. It sums us Canadians up.


I am not a lumberjack, or a fur trader.
I don't live in an igloo,
or eat blubber, or own a dogsled,
and I don't know Jimmy, Suzy, or Sally from Canada,
although I am certain they are really, really nice.
I have a Prime Minister, not a President
I speak English and French, not American
I pronounce it "About" not "a boot"
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack
I believe in Peacekeeping, not policing
Diversity, not Assimilation
and that the Beaver is a proud and noble animal.
The Toque is a hat,
A Chesterfield is a couch,
and "Z" is pronounced "ZED" not "ZEE", "ZED"
Canada is the second largest land mass,
The first nation of hockey, and
My Name is "Joe", and

My name is Dave, I AM CANADIAN, I am at THPer and I love golf.
I would love to represent Canada and THP and be part of #TeamRedemption
That is all.
JB absolutely needs to be in the grandaddy. JB is the Godfather. Without him none of this exists. Each one of us on here has benefited from this site whether it be advice, reviews and information or just plain having fun. What is The Grandaddy without the Godfather?!

Why me? Because I will give everything I have to not only bring home the belt but help everyone else on this team have the best time of their life! As awesome as the free equipment and swag is, this is about having fun and equally important, dominating the zoocrew! I promise I'll help do both!
The JB +1 idea is absolutely genious and must become a reality. JB being in is a no brainer because without he and the ZooCrew, this event would not even be a reality. I should join JB on Team Redemption because I feel my game and enthusiasm will play very well in this team competition. I have been following very closely from afar with extreme envy all joint THP/Callaway events the last two years and while they are obviously competitive, it is of a friendly nature and there is definite mutual respect between THP and their representatives anf the ZooCrew. This is something I absolutely want to be part of up close and personal and, finally, this IS THE GRANDADDY!