Bit by a Rattlesnake.


Well-known member
Albatross 2024 Club
Mar 25, 2012
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MN and FL
After killing a dozen or so rattlesnakes in my yard or garage since moving to California in 1998, one of the little SOB's finally got me back! It happened Sunday night after a great Father's Day BBQ at my house. We had 2 other families over and they were leaving at about 9:30 pm. I was hauling our 75 gallon trash can up the driveway and stepped on or near the snake in the middle of the driveway. It was dark out and I certainly wasn't looking for snakes in the middle of my driveway. At first I thought I stepped on a piece of glass but our friends son spotted the small rattlesnake in the driveway. My buddy was able to kill it and within a couple minutes my wife was speeding me off to the ER. The venom began to work almost immediately. My foot and ankle swelled and the strangest part was the numbness in my face, scalp, and hands. It felt like there was electricity running through hands and face. It also affected my speech and ability to swallow. The good news is there is no waiting at the ER when you have a rattlesnake bite. They put me on anti-venom within 30 minutes but it didn't start to relieve the symptoms for a couple hours. I spent two days in the Intensive Care Unit but after a second dose of anti-venom on Monday morning I was feeling a lot better.

A few things I learned about snake bites:

*Trying to stay calm is pretty difficult because your body is feeling sensations it has never felt before
*Small snakes usually deliver more venom because they lack control of their venom and often bite multiple times
*Snake venom and anti-venom really messes with your blood and liver - they draw blood and test it every three hours for the first two days and I have to go in for more blood work today and next week.
*You need to get anti-venom within the first 4 hours otherwise you are in for a long stay in the hospital
*Blood thinner shots next to your belly button are painful
*There is only 1 company that has an FDA approved anti-venom and it is difficult and expensive to manufacture. The normal dose is about $12,000 and 2 or more doses are often required. I'm guessing my 2 day stay in the ICU is going to cost my insurance company about $50,000
*Full recovery often takes a week or two
*Most rattlesnake bites at the ER near my house are from people trying to kill a snake or after they have killed a snake. Snakes can, and often do bite after they have been chopped in half and people think they are dead.

My main take away is rattlesnake bites are much more serious than I thought. Amazing how a little 1 foot snake can inflict so much damage. I wouldn't want to be out in the middle of the wilderness and get bit!
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Holy cow! That is awful and I am glad you are recovering well.
Holy crap dude. That's some scary stuff right there. Glad you are OK.
Holy cow... Sounds awful
Glad you are going to be ok

Proud Member of #TeamParadise
That sucks I have almost been bit a few times and have seen a few on the course but they are a real hazad in some area's of the state

I hope you have aspeedy recovery
2 days in ICU? I didn't think it was that big a deal anymore. I mean ER visit, yeah...but ICU? Wow. Glad you are better.
I couldn't imagine! At least you're on the mend and that's most important.I should appreciate living in the cold north where a flea bite is about the worst!
Wow, that's scary. Glad you are okay.

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Holy crap dude. That's some scary stuff right there. Glad you are OK.

Other than a little limp and swelling in my right foot, I'm pretty normal now. I have an annual boys camping trip this weekend with 9 other days and 17 teenage boys that I should be able to attend. It's something that I never thought would happen!
Wow! Glad to hear you are okay and that had to be scary.
Glad you are ding better and was able to seek medical attention quickly ...

I had similar symptoms, went to the doc, and they asked if I ad been bit by a snake and if so what kind ... I thought about it, and turns ex-wives carry a similar venom ... :act-up:
Wow that's scary. Glad you're ok tho
Glad you are ok. Sounds painful. Man, that is crazy. Makes you think twice about chasing after golf balls in the woods.
That sounds awful, glad you're ok. Based on the size, sounds like it could have been a pygmy rattlesnake. Those little buggers don't get much bigger than a foot but can ruin your day very quickly.
what the..?!?!?
Glad you're recovering, not sure I'd be able to sleep again if that happened to me! I'd be looking to move too!
I have a real fear of snakes. My wife does too. Being bit by a rattlesnake is right up there with my worst fears. My friend's dog got bit a few years ago while he was working in the yard. If he hadn't killed the snake and brought it in, his dog might have died.
Glad you are on the mend! I know that had to be quite the scare!

That's why I kill all of them that I see. We lost a family pet to one several years ago and they have been my sworn enemy ever since.
Killed one about 5' long on the 2nd tee box at my home course a couple of years ago and killed a smaller one near the #3 green last year.
A buddy of mine almost stepped on a big one for looking for a golf ball last year. The area around our course is known to have a lot of rattlers though.
We have rattlesnakes here, and cotton mouths, or water moccisons...but not in a lot of driveways. I always try to make a lot of noise when looking for a ball.
WOW....glad you are ok. I hate snakes.
Wow that it crazy. Glad you are ok!
Holy shat! That is crazy dude! Glad you're doing better and on your way back to normal.

Don't know anything about this stuff. Any potential longer side effects, or 100% healing pretty much guaranteed?
Glad you are on the mend! I know that had to be quite the scare!

That's why I kill all of them that I see. We lost a family pet to one several years ago and they have been my sworn enemy ever since.
Killed one about 5' long on the 2nd tee box at my home course a couple of years ago and killed a smaller one near the #3 green last year.
A buddy of mine almost stepped on a big one for looking for a golf ball last year. The area around our course is known to have a lot of rattlers though.
You should have a sticker for each one on the side of your bag.
Wow glad you are recovering and I hope you continue to feel better. I hate snakes and would probably just run in the other direction if I saw one.
Holy schnikes, that's insane! Glad you're OK mate, that is definitely an exciting weekend...