Grip Change - How Long Before It Sets In?


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Albatross 2024 Club
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Oct 8, 2008
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If you are making a grip change, how long before the results start taking shape and you feel comfortable again?
Months to never.

Getting my right thumb on top of my left thumb was an undertaking a few years ago. I actually found it slightly easier getting used to that by picking up anything with a handle and taking my grip. Basically just dry reps.
I’ve been unable to figure out the grip change on my driver as of yet. It’s one of those things I know is holding me back but putting it in play feels so uncomfortable.
I’d like to say it’s quick but a grip change for me takes weeks of constant practice to become ingrained
I feel like I've changed so many things in the last year. Of all them, grip was probably the least intrusive to me. I've changed it multiple times.
I’d vote on the quicker side. I’ve never had much trouble while changing grip. Maybe a few rounds or range sessions.
A while … I made a change back in September and I’m still trying to get comfortable with it.
Went from Cord to multi material during Covid due to no Stock. About a month for me. I adapt easily. Like going from Single to Married according to my Wife.
Interesting question and this is where I think an Align grip hinders and not helps... If I can feel the difference then it takes a long time for my body to adapt. If I can't feel the change then it's much quicker... My issue tends to be, especially with an align grip, if I strengthen or weaken my grip then my subconscious takes over and corrects the impact position....

Putting grip change is instantaneous for me. I have attempted swing grip changes numerous times and the changes never stick past a round or two. Those changes were just to try something else, such as interlock instead of overlap.
I can change grip mid round and have no problems after switching and I mean changing from overlap to interlock to baseball. I've done all 3 in the last couple years to see how they each work. For me neutral left hand with a strong right hand seems to work the most consistently, but day to day I might adjust depending on how open/closed I am delivering at impact just to adjust.

I also see some are talking about the actual grip on the club. So I'll comment on that also. As long as it's a fairly fat grip I don't mind changing them, but buying an off the rack club with a little cheap skinny grip really throws me for a loop. I just cannot get my swing feel down with a standard size tour velvet type grip anymore. It's way too thin.
I'm making a small change in my putter grip early this season and it's still a conscious thought thing and feels weird and it's been a month of working on it.
When you say grip change, are you talking about going from interlock to overlap etc or strong/weak?

If interlock/overlap, I tried overlap and baseball/10 finger and just couldn't do it, at all.

Strong/weak, I change that on almost every swing.
I asked my coach about my grip, he said there is no change need there. I have weakened my left hand through the end of last season without discomfort.
I definitely could NOT use an Align style grip, especially with wedges and having to open/close the face for certain shots. Actually no align style anywhere through the bag.

With the putter, getting the stroke mechanics balanced it's 100% about the physical grip style IMHO. Round, flat, pistol diameter.
Assuming question relates to how holding club or putter and I would say a couple of rounds. Just have to be deliberate to get it exactly how you want it to sit versus feel as that will come with repetition.
When you say grip change, are you talking about going from interlock to overlap etc or strong/weak?

If interlock/overlap, I tried overlap and baseball/10 finger and just couldn't do it, at all.

Strong/weak, I change that on almost every swing.
It could be either of those.
When I switched last year to my current lamkins it really only took a round to get used to
Within a couple of rounds I usually figure out if I like them or not. I’m not too adventurous with grips though

The last time I made a grip change (hand placement) it only took a couple of weeks. I stopped interlocking because I was getting a really bad pain in my pinky
I went from interlock to overlap about 10 years ago. It took most of the season to be truly comfortable. I'm dreading tho thought for this season. I broke my index finger on me lead hand and, 3 months later, it still hurts and the knuckle is 50% larger than normal. I'm thinking 10 finger could possibly be the only grip I can use.
When I went from 10 finger to interlock years ago, it took the better part of one season. I started swinging clubs in the winter before the season started, to get comfortable with the feel. I did a few more small buckets at the range than I typically do. This helped me to get more comfortable in a setting where I wasn't getting frustrated by scores. I could just work on feeling comfortable. But I saw more consistency pretty quickly, which allowed me to continue with the interlock with much less hesitation than if I was struggling. But by the end of the season I was comfortable, and haven't looked back since.
I’ve never made a grip change on purpose. Toyed with interlocking a few years ago on and off for a few weeks, but never changed.
never… I seem to try at the beginning of every year for a few weeks then abandon it and go back. This year I am saving myself the grief and headache and just sticking with what I got.
Months. It’s one of the hardest changes to make and trust.
I’ve never made a grip change on purpose. Toyed with interlocking a few years ago on and off for a few weeks, but never changed.
Do you do overlap then?

I was told when I first started to do the interlock so that's all I've ever known; almost everyone I see is the same - but then I either play with them regularly or I likely don't notice.

What made you want to attempt the swap a couple years back?
I made a change from interlock to overlap way back in the 80s and I remember it took a long time to get use to it. So much so that I'm afraid to change back. With that said, I wish I never made the change.