Lost my ShotScope L2 rangefinder


2021 Titleist Experience!
Albatross 2024 Club
Jun 20, 2019
Reaction score
Travelers Rest, SC
Or someone swiped it. Wasn’t turned into the pro shop. It was magnetized to the steering wheel shaft of my cart. Seemed they the magnet had it stuck on really well. Oh well. It’s gone. Sux.
Or someone swiped it. Wasn’t turned into the pro shop. It was magnetized to the steering wheel shaft of my cart. Seemed they the magnet had it stuck on really well. Oh well. It’s gone. Sux.
Welcome to the club! It stinks. I have lost more of them than I care to admit
That sucks.

I have purchased 1 and only 1 rangefinder in my life. Still have it. It's an oldie but it works.
That’s a bummer. I know the pain, I’ve lost a couple too. 😭
Yup. For me it’s the blessing and curse of magnets.
So useful, and SO easy for me to forget
Yep exactly. Every one I have left has been on the column of the cart. So easy to leave
Yep exactly. Every one I have left has been on the column of the cart. So easy to leave
Same. And remembered a day too late hahaha
I have left it all over the country, most recently in Jacksonville in January. I have successfully retrieved it each time. Except one time I was shipped the wrong one back. Slight downgrade - no biggie. I hope the other guy enjoyed the slight upgrade.
I too have lost a range finder that way. Now, I put my keys in the range finder case so it makes me remember when cleaning out the cart.
I've "lost" a couple that way, it sucks. It's usually how I end up upgrading, though.
Sucks!! Hopefully it shows up in the next day or two?
First round tonight in over a month. For either myself or my wife. So I doubt it’s being returned after this much time.
Damn that sucks. I’ve luckily never lost one. But I have found one. It had the guys name and phone number on it, I knew him as well. But I let him know I found it and turned it into the pro shop.
Sorry to hear that, have lost a few things being left in the cart. Sometimes people are nice and turn in to pro shop and sometimes people suck and just take it.
I’m very bad with this and have lost a few. I heard a tip from someone to put my car keys in the range finder case.

That seems to be working for me to not leave the course without it.
Best invention ever for Bushnell etc… was a magnetic mount so people will stick them on carts, forget about them and then go out and buy new ones.

Everyday I’m chasing someone down who left a rangefinder or speaker on the cart. We have so many of them in the drawer in our shop that people never ce back for it’s mind boggling. End of the year we end up giving them away.
This optimistically looks like a unintended opportunity to upgrade ))
Why I wrap it in a microfiber towel and drop it in the basket behind the seat. Takes but a second to deploy or stow, but it wont fall out or fall prey.
Thieves are everywhere, and quite ballsy. A number of years ago I came out of the bathroom after a quick leak at the turn and saw a guy walking away with my putter. He swore he just wanted to try it on the putting green. Yea sure buddy. Lets just say one quick knee and he will forever think twice before trying to steal someones stuff. And I doubt he procreated thereafter.
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Boo to that. I always fear that. I've seen people lose theirs, or rather I have riden with people who left theirs on the cart and then they say something after we've either left the course or (if we're lucky) before we have left but after we've turned in the cart.
Such a bummer I feel like everyone who has owned one has done it, but why the steering column? Seems like an easy place to forget about it 🤷🏻‍♂️
That’s too bad, have never lost mine although I don’t have a magnet so either in my bag’s front magnetic pocket or right in front of me in cart. When I do take a cart I usually check every nook and cranny probably twice to ensure nothing left behind.
This is why I think magnets are the most overrated feature on a range finder.