New Superstroke Football Grip


24 WWGC Smooth Criminal
Albatross 2024 Club
Oct 23, 2020
Reaction score
Dirty Jersey
As a former player and avid watcher of this sport, I may have to purchase this.

It’s so well done
That is smart and looks really really good.
Laces in or out?
This is really cool. I’ve been debating going back to this style grip. The stock Cleveland was great so I never switched. But I love this trip. May make a purchase.
I like it
Superstroke has been killing it with all their limited releases. This is no different. I just regripped my putter a few months ago, but might stash one of these.
Superstroke has been killing it with all their limited releases. This is no different. I just regripped my putter a few months ago, but might stash one of these.
That is my plan. I love the hot dog limited they did.
This one will be stashed and go on my next Ai-ONE
That looks really good!
Kinda neat.
That’s clever and looks pretty good.
Oh man I love this!!!!!
And the superstroke is easier to grip than a regular football!
That is an inside joke. My biggest fear was playing ball in the rain because my tiny hobbit hands would struggle in wet conditions.
If it had the threads and actual football leather it’d be incredible.
If it had the threads and actual football leather it’d be incredible.
It almost looks as if it has the textured leather! Hard to tell from the video though. Would be neat if it does. Cool release.
Those look great.
I love these “hail to the king” notions other sports do in the US. What a machine….
It almost looks as if it has the textured leather! Hard to tell from the video though. Would be neat if it does. Cool release.
They typically just paint the designs on, that’s why you never want to use acetone to clean off the dirt and grime as it’ll leave you with a white grip.
They typically just paint the designs on, that’s why you never want to use acetone to clean off the dirt and grime as it’ll leave you with a white grip.
Yeah… that’s what I figured. Cool, but less cool
SuperStroke has been doing a great job on their limited edition releases
I like this, nice release. It's done well.