When Does Your Season End?


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Albatross 2024 Club
Staff member
Oct 8, 2008
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THP Experiences
I know we have THPers all over the world and in the US, many talk about playing all year round. My question is when does your golf season actually end?

No, honestly, if you don't mind some cold and wind, this is a year-round playing area.
Fortunately, it doesn't
I played year-round. Unless it's super cold or rainy, I will play.
Never, I just have to drive further!
Cooler temps aren't necessarily that bad around here, but if the wind is there, I'm out. So, maybe Jan and Feb for the most part.
Oct 31 handicap tracking wise, however we will play as long as the courses are open and it's not below 20.
I play year round but the season ends in November.
Pretty effectively October 31 up here, you can find golf in Nov but its hit and miss. Can't believe how fast summer goes every year.
It ends in about a month. Between cold mornings and college football I've played enough by then.

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Mine is typically over by mid October, if not earlier. The weather can start getting sketchy pretty soon and I'm not die hard enough to battle the cold and crappy stuff.
Our course stays open as long as it is 37° by noon (if it drops below freezing overnight).

For me, as long as I can wear shorts the season is still open; but if it's been cold a long time and we get a nice spell that it gets up to 45 or so and it's not real windy, I will bear golfing with long pants and sleeves.
I usually get my last round in about Dec 15th
Roughly November 15. If it happens 2016 will be a highly unusual 8 month season here in MN since I started playing on March 11th or 12th........
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In a couple of weeks :( Once my daughter's marching band competition schedule starts at the end of this month, every Saturday and Sunday are spent driving to performances around New England. And once those are done in mid-November, most courses up here are closed.
Generally around mid-November. Although really hoping I can keep playing later than that this year to stay in shape/form for a big event in December.
Typically late October for me though last year I was able to play 2 days before Christmas thanks to some unseasonably warm weather.
Late November

except last year cause of weather we played outdoors every month I believe
Living in mid Sweden my season can end anywhere around mid october to mid december depending on weather
I play year around here. There is only a few weeks we can't play here and I take those off lol
When there is snow covering the ground.
Mid November weather cooperating. Have played as late as Christmas here though a couple years back.
Usually around the beginning of September, my wife enters a phase I like to call "I am so sick of golf". This marks the beginning of the end. I completely understand and she is a saint for putting up with me playing as much as I do and leaving her home with 4 kids under 8.
That said, I have the next month pretty much down to a science and actually play a lot of golf in October! Ha.
I have I work trip to Mich the first week of Oct every year, I meet up with some THP'ers at a great course in the mitten. I always get one, "man I can't believe how nice it is today, do you care if I skip the Bears game and golf?" Round in. Then there is the annual, "dad called and has a groupon that expires this year round".

Anything for golf!

October is my answer...

I did play in Illinois on New Years Day once...

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Usually late October, but I've been known to head south to golf.
Usually Halloween or just before. We had an early start this year so I hope our luck holds out and we play a little later into the season too.