Oh I don’t like that. My strategy is different word every day. I’m positive it will pay off eventually!
what if the word tomorrow is your first word from today? How will you ever recover from that?
I feel like this is some gigantic social experiment and we are all failing horribly :D
Also LOL

Wordle 222 4/6

Ok I can bookmark and do this daily, nice little brain warmup

Wordle 222 3/6

I always knew I was bad at scrabble, but now I am even worse at this wordle

4/6 today. Also 4/6 yesterday. Introed my wife to the game and she got 3/6 on yesterday's puzzle.
Wordle 222 5/6

Always use "divot" as your first word because golf.
Never used divot, but I have used sh*nk. What’s wrong with me? ☹
Got today's quick

Wordle 222 3/6

Wordle 222 4/6

Today was a good day. I thought I had it on 2.

Wordle 222 3/6

Count me among the addicted. One of these days I've got to take that next step and try the "hard" mode, sort of like hitting from the back tees.
Count me among the addicted. One of these days I've got to take that next step and try the "hard" mode, sort of like hitting from the back tees.
Didn’t know there was a hard mode!
Didn’t know there was a hard mode!
when you go to the site, check upper right and there are different modes, look behind the gear logo, hard means you have to use all correct letters in subsequent guesses
Wordle 222 5/6


dont call it a comeback. :LOL:
Wordle 222 4/6

hard means you have to use all correct letters in subsequent guesses
I do that already, so I guess I've been playing in self-imposed hard mode. :oops:
I feel like using words like adieu and ouija are kinda like cheating since they tell you what vowels are in the word of the day.