Golf Town Customer Service Experience....your thoughts welcomed!


Apr 24, 2012
Reaction score
For the most part I'm extremely excited that Golf Town finally opened it's doors in town and I know I'm one of their best customers already...not a good thing for my wallet, but I had a run in with one of their employee's and I'm reaching out to you to see if I'm taking this a little too far or not.

I walk in on Friday evening and ask to speak to someone about adjusting the lie of my clubs, I was properly handed over to the Assistant Manager on duty and he quickly whisks me away to the service counter out back gets behind the desk and say so what clubs do you own? I stated they are Nike Vr Pro Cavities and I get a smirk in return which I questioned it and these were his words "I don't know why anyone would play with Nike's", I simply said "Excuse me?" and he said yes they are an inferior product and since I turned pro I have played callaway and would never ever sell Nike to anyone. I was getting a little defensive and just said...well if they are good enough for Tiger they should be good enough for me. And then he proceed to ask me why I should feel the need to adjust the lie as it could be the way I'm swinging the that point I told him we are done talking and I walked out of the store.

Now the question is should I be calling and talking to his manager about this or just let it go? I'm all for giving credit where credit is do on the flip side I've called and sent managers emails on kudo's for an employee's job well done but I don't think I would have reacted this way if it didn't say "Assistant Manager" on his name this point there is a certain level of professionalism that comes with that title and IMHO I don't think he is living up to that....needless to say it's tarnished my golf town experience over two IMO rude what do you think?
Sounds like the guy was totally out of line and rude. I would for sure let them know. If it were my company I would want to know.
Don't let's this go. If you feel you got anything less than expected then I would go to the manager and most likely higher. I'm all about Customer service!!

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I would have a conversation with his boss. His comments and his attitude were way out of line.

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definitely let the store manager know whats going on
Thanks for the feedback I guess my thoughts are inline with the vast majority of people...Customer Service means a lot to me and now I don't even know if I want them to touch my clubs.
Wow. I went in for that "club IQ" analysis with my stone age X-14s and never got a bit of grief. Mind you, that was with the actual house pro. I can't imagine it was the same guy.
You were more polite than I would have been. "I like the Callaways" is fine if you're looking for something new. "Brand X is inferior"??? Nope. I know they'll sell Nikes, there's plenty in there.

The lie vs swing comment...I dunno. Phrasing could mean a lot there, and he'd already made sure you weren't going to be terribly open to anything he was coming out with. Maybe "how have you determined the lie needs adjustment, we offer fittings here" would have been more appropriate. He may just have been angling to get you to splash out for a service, which is his job in the end. But the club comment was out of line.
Doesn't sound like a issue worth not going back there or asking for "deals", though sounds like something the manager should know.
Golftown management is pretty death on their employee's acting as you described. I would definately take it up in store if only for piece of mind. Maybe the guy was just having a bad day and is an otherwise excellent employee but it's worthwhile to remind the person in question at least to give their head a shake and apologize for taking their bad day out on you.
GolfTown as a retailer is a pretty large supporter of Nike Golf. To have an employee with any type of "voice" bad mouthing the products is something that should not be done. I do not think either party (Nike or GolfTown) would be too fond of the actions taken and voiced by said employee.
I would absolutely go talk to the manager. His manager may not know whats going on and he needs to. Getting a hold of them through the "contact us' on the web site will also get to the right place, even if you don't know the guys name. (don't ask how I know.)
Honestly, everything about this employee screams that he thinks he knows it all and doesn't treat customers with respect. A good employee would have never said "oh your equipment is crap". A good employee also wouldn't have been trying to tell the customer what they want. Top tip for retail is that the customer is always right. There is a difference between giving a customer advice, and tell him what they need. As mentioned above, the guy should have offered to give you a quick fitting to make sure the lie/loft adjustments were right for you.

The manager will want to know that the guy is discouraging people from buying Nike products. He will also want to know that the guy basically let business walk out the door by his rude comments. These stores are open to make money, and when their employee's are running sales out the door, they aren't going to be too happy about it. I would definitely let the manager know, but I wouldn't go in with an attitude that you deserve any sort of compensation for your bad experience.

Just my thoughts.
Wow, that's rediculous. You should say something to the manager.
Wow this guy is a complete idiot. I would call the district manager and explain the situation since this is not the way to keep costumers. I wouldn't be back ever again unless they adjusted everything you needed for free to make up for it!
Sounds like an employee who wanted to make someone feel inferior.

I would contact the store, and then escalate to corporate to complain. Personal preferance aside, his comments were rude.

In all my years dealing with Golf Town, I have not once come across an employee who wasn't knowledgeable, respectfull, and most of all accomodating.

I would have also made sure to respond after he said "yes they are an inferior product and since I turned pro I have played callaway and would never ever sell Nike to anyone." I would have asked, "Gone Pro Where? Footwear, the tees section, or apparel?"

I have seen their pro shop enthusiastically work on the most low-end products, happily re-gripping and yard-sale finds, and shooting the breeze with many who haven't got a clue about what they are talking about (myself included).
I'm not the type of person that would expect something in return for being treated the way I did...I want the store to succeed, however I'm afraid with attitude like that in the store it won't last long. And anyone with a little experience should know word of mouth advertisement is very powerful.

Thanks for all your comments, much appreciated...I will update tomorrow when I speak with the manager.
"I don't know why anyone would play with Nike's", I simply said "Excuse me?" and he said yes they are an inferior product and since I turned pro I have played callaway and would never ever sell Nike to anyone.

Pro what? Professional salesman? Professional douche bag? :confused2:
I agree with him on the Nike, but that's another story.

He's unprofessional, childish, and rude. I may dislike a brand but I'd never call someone out for using them and say to their face that they are playing inferior clubs. Then this REALLY puzzled me: Why on earth would he ask why you want your lie angle adjusted then blame the swing? Don't guys at big box stores only want to SELL you a product or a service? He seemingly said he wasn't going to bend them for you, costing him a good amount of free money. I'd call his manager and beyond and tell them about it. If I was at my job and someone asked me "What aisle is the Oreos in?" and I responded "Really oreos? Chips Ahoy are better. Oreos are an inferior product that I would never recommend to anyone since I started my position as a service clerk here. Plus they have more fat then the chips ahoy so you'll gain weight." my boss would probably fire my ass and then have the store director send a letter to my parents (that wouldn't work with an adult, but his wife would love to know).
I had a chat with the manager and explained what had transpired and he was trying to offer me a free fitting but I graciously declined and said I will be in to pay for a proper fitting but not while he is present in the store. He said this should not reflect how Golf Town does business and he will be dealt with accordingly. I left him with this, it's surprising how one bad seed can have such a lasting negative effect in the way in which you enjoy an experience but I assured him I know he is of the minority and I will not let it effect the way I know Golf Town conducts business.

I appreciate all your responses! And Icemann no offense taken on the Nike opinion...It's great to voice an opinion, when one is warranted.:banana:
If you walked out of there feeling as you have described, then you should let this guy's manager know that for sure.
That stinks man. I will say that at our Golf Town here in Massachusetts, they were amazingly helpful when I ordered a hybrid from them. The company sent the wrong shaft in the hybrid and without inspecting it, I played it for 2 rounds (this was a special order shaft). After some serious hooks and two frustrating rounds, I finally looked at the shaft. Low and behold, they sent me a regular flex. Long story short, the store took back my hybrid, with use, and ordered me a new one with the correct shaft. I hope you won't stop going to that chain entirely because I feel like it is a very well run store with some really good people. I hope you have a better experience next time.
Sounds to me like that was the start of his sales pitch. He was trying to plant the seed of doubt about your clubs so that he could move a weaker minded individual towards buying a new set of Callaways rather than adjusting the lie on your "inferior" irons. Why try to sell a lie adjustment when you could sell an iron set- there's probably a lot of Joe Sixpacks out there that fall for it.
ghsace - It hasn't ruined any chance I won't be spending a lot of money there over the years to come...I'm probably one of the happiest people still that a store like this exists so close to me.

Cayuga1210 - Good spin on it, but if he was a great salesman there is a plethora of other angles to work than the one he took.
ghsace - It hasn't ruined any chance I won't be spending a lot of money there over the years to come...I'm probably one of the happiest people still that a store like this exists so close to me.

Cayuga1210 - Good spin on it, but if he was a great salesman there is a plethora of other angles to work than the one he took.

Good to hear man. From my experiences, they are a very solid company with some really great people working there. It still does suck that they guy was an idiot, but I'm glad to hear you'll be going back. In all honesty, their customer service with me was the best I had ever had at a golf store. The closest store to me is 1 hour away and if I need anything, that is the first place I go because of their CS.
I'm not surprised with golftown I have only had one guy who was helpful. Everyone else at the ones in calgary either no one has time for you because they are involved with there own conversations around the register or they are hitting clubs in the sim while customers are waiting.