One of the most intriguing lines that will be coming soon to the US is from Honma and their Beres line of clubs. Not sure of the brand? That is okay, here is equipment expert Michael Vrska to break down what makes the company unique and a little bit of a preview into the Beres S-06.
Last year on the THP Forum, myself and one of our staff writers, surprised a lucky forum member at their house with two large boxes filled with a complete set of the Honma Beres line of clubs including the bag. This year, there is no telling what happens, but expect the unexpected.
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Honma still makes the best looking stuff out there. It good looking, unique and definitely identifiable!
In the beginning, they were known to be one of the most expensive OEM’s on the market. Is that still the case these days?
No. While they offer premium lines, you can read through the reviews on THP at their Tour World lineup that is priced similarly to most major manufacturers currently.
Not familiar with the brand Honma, where are they marketed at?
THey are newer to the North American market, but are here in the US now after being so popular in Japan for years.