SALTED Smart Insoles for Golf Releases Series 2

Late last year we featured a review of a product called SALTED, Smart Insoles for Golf. This accessory is incredibly unique and offered real time feedback for practice by inserting the insoles into your shoes and connecting them to an app on your phone or tablet.

salted series 2

Recently the company has released Series 2 of their smart insoles for golf and the improvements have been stellar. One of the few gripes from the original line was that the actual insert was a bit too thick, which could change the way the shoes felt while on. SALTED addressed that in the latest launch by making the Series 2 thinner than before and the results are a much better fit and a device that is pretty much the same size as you would get with any insole you might be using.

salted series 2 mobile app

With the use of their free mobile app, both testing where you are currently in terms of balance and pressure is a piece of cake. Adding to that, the ability to work with drills that are measured right in the software on your phone or tablet can help with improvement.

We were told by a few users that there were connectivity issues with the original series from SALTED. After thorough testing of Series 2, we believe that has been completely rectified with not a single drop between the smart insoles and our phone and tablet.

salted series 2 drills

The above graphic shows two separate items available in the SALTED Golf mobile app, one for putting training and one for distance training. In going through both of them to test out the new Series 2, we found no connectivity issues, but furthermore, a software that was working rather seamlessly with a product and one that could be relied on for improvement.

Is it going to take the place of an instructor? No it won’t. But as a golfer that is working with a teacher currently on balance and weight shift, it is a tool that is helping provide immediate feedback to understand what I am doing and feeling during my practice in between sessions with a coach.

For more information on their current products, check out their website at To pick up the Salted Smart Insoles for Golf Series 2, the best option currently is Amazon and they have a store in place there.

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Josh Babbitt is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media. He has a passion for the game and the equipment and travels the country hosting THP Experiences bringing the golf industry together with our forum community.