The Hackers Paradise has been reviewing SeeMore putters for almost a year now and one thing has always been the same with them. The equipment testers really like the product that they put out each time. The first time our testers got their hands on one of their putters was the SB1 and they thoroughly enjoyed learning to use what has become a huge success for many of our readers. The next time we got a chance to cover one of their putters, they raised the bar even further with the testing of their FGP and FGP2 models. Up until that review THP had never had 100% unanimous feedback from a group of people about a single piece of equipment. From there, SeeMore dropped in on our Huge Putter Shoot Out and took home #1 overall in the performance category out of over 20 putters entered. The week following the Huge Putter Shoot Out, the company was voted Best Blade Putter and Best Mallet Putter in our Bi-Annual THP Readers Choice Awards. That brings us to the present and could a company that has done this much so far this year, possibly outdo themselves again?
Enter the mFGP and mFGP2 models that arrived to our offices a few weeks back and have been given a solid workout. The putters look almost identical to that of the FGP and FGP2 that we reviewed several months ago, but are made a little differently. Here is what the company has to say about the mFGP:
The mFGP putter was inspired by the original FGP putter. Its design and functionality is completely unique to SeeMore. It is a blade style putter featuring a standard RifleScope (RST) and a slightly thicker top-line. Although the shaft is bored-in to the head slightly back of center, the design of the putter maximizes toe hang. Even with the significant toe hang, the putter opens and closes very easy (twirl effect). The “twirl effectâ€, or the way a putter opens and closes when twirled in the fingers, is the result of the mFGP’s design placing the majority of the weight in the center behind the sweet spot. The mFGP shape is SeeMore’s most frequently played shape on the PGA tour. Its feel is unmatched.
Here is what the company has to say about the mFGP2:
The mFGP2 putter was inspired by the original FGP putter, winning putter of the 1999 US Open and 2007 Masters, two of the greatest putting performances in Major Championship history. It is the first mallet in the FGP series. Its design and functionality is completely unique to SeeMore. A small mallet style putter featuring a standard RifleScope (RST) and a slightly thicker top-line. The shaft is bored- in to the head slightly back of center, the design of the putter creates a medium toe hang that is perfect for this model and leads to the mFGP2 being a great putter for a player who loves to putt on a slight arc or one who prefers more of a straight back and straight through style. The design places weight directly behind the sweet spot creating an incredible feel at impact.
In this review will be covering the putters together as a whole rather than separately because we used our testers to try out both putters at the same time. I first want to touch base a little on Riflescope (RST) and why our readers really seem to like it. Rather than explain it in words, SeeMore has been kind enough to put up a few very short videos that explain exactly how and why this simple technology works. Click here to watch them now.
Looks & Feel
Both the mFGP and mFGP2 arrived at our offices and we could not wait to get them tested out. As you can see from the pictures they are very similar to the stainless design that we reviewed earlier in the year. So for us they were not necessarily an odd design, but for someone seeing a SeeMore Putter for the first time, they do look slightly odd. But within a few minutes you will be used to the design and glad you saw them. They feel slightly heavier than the previous model and when examining the face, they exude wonderful milling work. While we thought the Stainless series had great feel, this milled series offers something that is truly special. Just dropping a golf ball on the face of either of these putters and you can hear that audible sound that so few putters can give you. The one that makes you know when you hit it on the course it is going to feel like a stick of butter on the end of a shaft.
Performance on the Practice Green
Armed with two of SeeMore’s finest, we went out to the putting green and worked with them for about an hour. Before I get into some of our findings, I want to mention that while we were there we had an impromptu testing of sorts. A fellow club member came up to me and said that his normal putter had gone missing and that he wanted to test some of the putters we had out before making his mind up. You should definitely click here and read how his “Putter Sampling” came out. So with in the first day of trying these out we already had one confirmation. Witnessing it was something different from the stand point that he had never heard of SeeMore or RST and found it “gimmicky” but also working like nothing ever has for him.
After the “Putter Sampling” was complete, myself and 2-3 other golfers spent about an hour on the putting green taking turns putting with our own putters and then with the SeeMore mFGP and mFGP2. We all came away with virtually the same thoughts on this series.
1. They do feel slightly head heavy in comparison to the FGP Stainless Model. We all liked that quite a bit. We are not sure about actual weight in comparisons, but the feel of more weight was there.
2. The ball coming off the face is as soft as anything that we have tried on the market. Soft and buttery and provided instant feedback.
2. All three of us preferred the mFGP2 to the mFGP in terms of making putts. Neither of these putters let us down at all, but the mFGP2 just felt like it rolled the ball by itself.
Performance on the Course
While we loved the way both of these putters felt on the practice green, the only thing that really matters is how they do on the course. I put both putters in my bag and alternated using them for every 3 holes. A couple of things really stood out to me on the course. First, if you actually use the red dot instead of pretending it is not there, these putters work as good or better than anything I have ever tried. Second, the softness may be even more apparent on the course where you are concentrating on each stroke. The SeeMore M-series putters stand out as some of the best feeling putters I have used to date. I used these putters for six full rounds and came away highly impressed. Feel, great alignment tool, good sound, and great look make this one a putter line to be reckoned with.
We gave the putters to five other golfers to try out on the course and the results were astonishingly similar. The word that came up quite frequently by the testers was “supple”. Something I do not normally use to describe a putter, but it makes sense when you think about it. Here were their overall thoughts from on the course testing. These are the thoughts of other golfers not affiliated with THP.
1. The look, weight, and overall aesthetic value of the mFGP line is outstanding.
2. When putting with these, if you really use the “gimmick” you will drain more putts.
3. Once you get speed down, this may be the best I have ever used.
4. Overall consensus was that they liked the blade version more than the mallet version. (very different than myself and the other 3 testers on the putting green)
Misc. Thoughts
The headcovers that came with these putters are some of the nicest we have seen. I have never been a headcover “collector” kind of guy and it amazes me what some will pay for some of these, but the SeeMore covers are as nice as any of them we have come across. Another thing I wanted to touch on is being able to pick the ball up with the putter “scoop”. While the FGP2 was always great at this, I struggled with the Stainless FGP to be able to pick the ball up so to speak. The milled series is not causing any problems in doing so. Not sure why exactly, but it works well and while it may not be important to most people, we like a good “ball picker upper”.
We really thought that SeeMore could not outdo themselves after the last 6 months on The Hackers Paradise. We were clearly wrong. The SeeMore mFGP and mFGP2 are two of the best putters we have tried all year. With a retail price of $325, they are not the cheapest alternative out there, however they flat out work. We have a solution for those that want to use these putters but feel the price tag is just a little too high. Check out the Stainless FGP and FGP2. Great feel and same wonderful look for almost half the price. While myself and other testers loved the milled versions, the Stainless series is more affordable and a great putter as well. Either way, you will get the same great Rife Scope Technology to help make more putts more often. For more information on any of the putters that SeeMore has available check out their website at They also have a great blog with tons of wonderful putting tips. You can check that out daily at
Till Next Time
Josh B.
Thanks for the review. I’ll stay with my Mizzy Bettinardi tho. I’ve never been a fan of heel shafted putters. Diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks, hey.
I bought the stainless variety after finding THP and simply love it. When something works why change it, but the milled versions look great. Tempting.
Good stuff. I am finally going to break down and try one of these out. After reading your putter round up in which these finished first, I am giving in. From the sounds of it, I will be happy I did.
These were center shafted not heel shafted putters, but SeeMore makes a variety of styles.
This company has come out of no where and taken the golf world by storm it seems. Never heard of them till THP and since this is my source, I may have to try and pick one up. Loved seeing that link to the guy picking it out of all the others. Pretty darn cool.
I will be the first to say that I thought of these as gimmicky and that I would not like them. They get some love on the smaller blogs but I usually take that with a grain of salt. But everybody on this site loves them. Its not like the admins are just saying it. Every topic in the message board area has praise after praise of the Seemore. Pretty strong. I am going to be checking them out very soon.
Very interesting. I have not heard of these before but I found your site on Monday. It sounds to me like not only you guys like them but so does everybody else. very interesting.
This one caught my attention. Picked it up from the site and now I really want to try one of these out. I love the feel of a milled putter and now that they have one, in the shape I want, it makes my decision easier.
I gave in and bought a seemore after the first review and got the Sb1 mallet. I loved it so much I also got the stainless FGP that you covered. Now I really want one of these. You guys are going to make me lose my house.
I like the way these sound. I really like the shape of the FGP2, but no place around me seems to have them. Can I buy one based solely on looks? Maybe
I hate the way they look, but did get to try one and they feel great and put well. I am much more of a fan of the M1 from Seemore though.
I still love my Scotty, and it also has the red dot alignment aid. Which came first?
SeeMore Putters RST came before Scotty Cameron added the red dot to his line. In fact some would say he “took” the idea from them.
Awesome write up. I need one of these bad.
Thanks admin. I meant to say say center shafted. Much prefer heel shafted. I find the center shaft “gets in the way” when I’m lining up the putt.
If you decide to take a look at SeeMore putters, you can always check out the rest of the M series that does have quite a few heel shafted out there.
These look really solid. They are on my short list ever since my putter has started acting up again. Great pictures by the way.
Great Reveiw JB. As you know I am huge SeeMore fan and have both of these in my collection. Was fitted for them by Ted at SeeMore and have neer putted better. The review was dead on and anyone looking for a quality putter should give this one a go.
I have so much confidence on the green now. I actually expect to make each putt. I dont come close to doing that but it is the confidence it gives me to believe I can. I have never had that in a putter before. I will tell you that I rarely 3 putt any more. My only delima is which SeeMore to use…..but hey that is a good thing.
Good stuff. I really want one.
Great review JB. I’ve only seen these putters (SeeMore) once in person, and they look pretty solid. Judging by your reviews, they seem to perform even better. If I had the $, I would definitely try to get one.
Thanks for another great review.
I’ve been able to mess around with a couple of them in stores, but I can only ever seem to get my hands on a 33 or 34″ version. I’d be curious to see how I’d do with a 36″. I do only live 4 hours from their shop, I wonder how much a trip to their “studio” costs…
I believe the cost is $75 and I have been told by many that it is well worth it.
I really like the SeeMore putters, however the high cost of these may prohibit a lot of people from trying these. The stainless are more reasonably priced. Great review, I’ll always read about SeeMore products!
I have the new seemore mallet and I love it— its greatest improvement for me is putts from 4-10 feet. I feel like I can line it up with great confidence and I sink more of these length putts because of that red dot.
Larry Berle
Very cool review. I picked one of these up on ebay last week and am obsessed with it.
Simply put, the finest putter I have ever tried. Great write up.
Bought the FGP used on the bay for $42. Knowing what I know now I would pay $500. Has knocked strokes off my game and added a ton of confidence. Instead of dreading the putt I now cannot wait to putt. I only wish the entire course was one large green.
I know this is an old review, so I’m writing a response for me mostly. My wife bought me an FGP2 stainless for Xmas 2009. I played it for a couple of rounds to be gracious, then it went in the closet with 30 or so others. Fast-forward to this year. After about four years of the yips, in desperation, I started looking at the hole when putting. Worked great, but I was often off line. Out of the closet came the Seemore. Now when I set up using the RST, I know I’m on line. And funny thing–my distance is much better, too. (P.s. tried the mFGP2–prefer the stainless.)