The Hackers Paradise spends lots of time learning about and reviewing golf apparel. In our time of doing that, few companies have blown us away quite the same way as Sligo has. A trendy golf apparel company that blends style and performance into a clothing line that is second to none. Cutting edge fits, progressive styling, and aggressive colors define the golfer as an individual.
The Hackers Paradise is proud to join forces with a great company like Sligo to do something each month called Sligo and THP’s Recession Remedy. Each month, the designers at this hot and trendy golf wear company are going to be putting together an “Outfit of the Month” for our readers that has been hand selected by them personally.
How is this going to give us a remedy for the recession you ask? Because the colorful apparel company is going a step further of course and giving the “Outfit of the Month” to a lucky reader. That is right, the entire outfit completely free of charge in whatever size you choose. We will be doing this for a while and spreading the word about what we feel are the best golf designed fashions out there.
You do not need to be a member of the forum to enter this contest. But we as always recommend everybody join us and talk golf all the time. We will be playing a word association game. Each month we will provide a single letter and three categories. Your job is to come up with a word starting with the specified letter that describes each category. For example the letter of the month is ‘S’ and a category is “Sports”, a word you could come up with could be SOCCER. All entries are to be posted in the comments section below. If a word has been used already you are free to use it again, however, in the end creativity will determine the winner. A panel of judges will narrow it down to the top five entries and those will then be posted in a poll in the forum section of the site for our forum members to vote on the winner of this great outfit from the King of Golf Fashion, SLIGO.
Only one entry per person and you must use your correct email address when leaving the comment, so that we may contact you if you win.
The letter for this month’s contest is “B”.
The 3 Categories for this month are “Style”, “Color”, and “Golf”.
We will be accepting entries on this until May 22nd 2009, at that point the panel of judges will choose the top 5 and have a poll put up here in the forums until the end of the month for reader voting.
Best of luck to everyone! Do not forget to check out the full Sligo Wear apparel line at Now let’s get those creative juices flowing….