Cleveland 588 Wedge – Bring it Back

Years ago a wedge hit the market that changed the way many golfers around the world looked at their golf bag and more specifically their short game. Cleveland Golf brought the 588 wedges and it took over golf bags everywhere as the tools players used to score with. Beginning in 2011, THP started bringing the most in depth coverage of professional golfers and what they had in their bags for use with the Tour Spot and it created a buzz again about this extremely sought after wedge.

It appears as though quite a few golfers on the different tours are choosing Cleveland Golf wedges and on top of that, many of them are choosing the iconic 588 as their weapons of choice. That has left many golfers thinking back to this incredible wedge and how well it worked for their games and even looking to find them through other channels. Cleveland has no shortage of incredible wedges with the 2010 version Cleveland CG15 being one of the best wedges out last year as well as the release of the new CG16 hitting stores everywhere over the last few weeks.

While THP readers are thrilled with the new release of the CG16 version of the wedges, the emails have been coming in each week with the question being the same, “When can we see another version of the 588 wedge again?”. Some readers going as far as saying they want to start a petition on bringing back this incredible piece of equipment. What are your thoughts? Did you play the original 588 wedge? If so, we want to hear from you.

Seer what other readers have to say about this classic and iconic wedge here.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.