Contest: The Countdown with Honma Golf

Something special is coming to THP and the details will be left vague. The buildup will be unique and the outcome will be worth the excitement. The Countdown is just that, a calendar mark of sorts that when it goes off will be a surprise that you will remember for years to come. This is stuff that legends are built on and dreams are made of…The Countdown is Coming!

This logo above is filled with some fun clues of course. What you need to know is you have to be home on October 14th of this year and that something magical and special could happen! This is something so over the top, that the cameras will be rolling the entire time to get the response (home privacy will be kept of course).

Zero! There are none.
Everything that will take place is included in that wonderful cost of $0
The perks of being a THPer

1 Entry per person
You must be a THP Forum Member to enter (if you are not, its fast and free to sign up)
You must be 18 years of age to signup

Signing Up
All of the details on how to signup for something so unique and special, it can only be called the Countdown are now on the THP Forum. Before jumping over there, mark your calendar to busy on 10/14/17 and then head over to the THP Forum.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.