A day that fell apart


New member
Jun 10, 2010
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Well this is often my golf confessional where I come to gain absolution from Father T. Hacker Paradise. Since the prediction was gale force winds and heavy rain today I thought I would finally run down to Atkinson’s Resort and try to get a feel for their covered tee range.

As I pulled in the rain and wind started to pick up but I really did not think much of it. I went in and ordered my bucket of balls and went out to the firing line.
Initially I was in heaven. While I had been hitting off of grass tees at ranges the entire season I really was not much bothered by the mats. I do have a VJ mat at home and I did use it some this year. At any rate I was hitting some beautiful iron shots, just puring the ball which always feels good with the forged Mizuno irons. As I mentioned the wind and the rain had just started to pick as I entered the place. Suddenly before I knew it, the rain was coming sideways and roof or no roof it was hammering me. It was stinging and straight in the face to boot so I really could not see. In addition while the tee boxes are supposed to be heated it was clear that they had not turned the heat on today. At any rate my ball striking went right into the tank. I was sweating and freezing at the same time while getting drenched from the rain and I could not see. I had gone from feeling great and happy that I had decided to make my way down there to feeling miserable in the matter of a large bucket!

So I came home, did a few errands and decided to head for the putting mat in the basement for what has become the first of what is usually two nightly sessions of putting and chipping. I was awful. Worst putting since I set the thing up. I will usually go an entire session of 150 putts or so without doing something like grounding the putter during my stroke. Tonight I must have done that a dozen times at least. Went on to chipping figuring that everything cannot go wrong all at once. Wrong jnug, wrong. I continually grounded the wedge behind the ball much like I was grounding the putter during my putting drills. Today I suffered a complete lose of concentration and focus. Once I started struggling with the horizontal rain I never got it back and it just continued through my putting and chipping. I was just completely disassociated with what I was doing mainly because I was feeling sorry for myself for having what started out as a really good ball striking session with my irons just fall apart on me. Generally I will not allow myself to wallow in self pity but I just could not snap out of it today and I not only wallowed in self pity, I drowned in it.

Anyway I am going to pour myself an overly large cognac and suck that down. I will probably wake up with the cat sitting on my head and the dog pulling at my ankle to let him out. At least I will have washed this miserable day out of my system and will be ready to start fresh. Thank you Father T.
Thank you for your confession, my son.

Retribution will come in the form of birdies in your next round
Sounds you like you needed an IQ Plus bar!

Sorry you had a crappy day, there are better ones to come!
Haha, sorry to laugh jnug, just picturing the critters after your cognac. Sorry for the tough day, but hope it beat work. My closest heated range is 3 hours away!
Great read.
Tough days happen bro, shrug it off and you'll be tearing it up again real soon. Don't think too much into it and you'll be back at it in no time!
There is definitely a time to know when to throw in the towel for the day. More often than not, most of us will continue to beat balls until we figure out the issue and fix it. Occasionally though ya just have to walk away.
i think this is the perfect example of what may be the biggest handicap concerning golf to many of us.........that space between the ears.

i feel your pain jnug, and i'm sure many others have as well. golf is the one game/sport where it doesn't take a whole lot to derail a guy and getting back on track can sometimes be one of the most difficult processes in any sport i've ever played.

it's a bummer that what was such a great range session turned into something that crept into all aspects of your game. the other comments are right though, just shrug it off, don't focus on it and chalk it up to an odd range session.
I am sorry Jnug but it sounds like your golfing career is over. You will have to send me your clubs
I am sorry Jnug but it sounds like your golfing career is over. You will have to send me your clubs

Now THAT is funny :D!

It will come back partner as soon as the bright sun and warm weather begin to sprout :thumb:
That is too funny Chunk. I don't think I am ready to throw in the towel just yet though. Thanks for the laugh!!