Best Shot Of Your Round

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Had a couple today, but hit a bomb about 320 up hill (down wind) on a 480 uphill par 5. Was about 150 out for the second shot. Made the birdie.

You sure hit it a long way dude.
Hit a new to me 52* wedge 115 yards 1 bounce to < 6 inches. Made the putt.
My best shot yesterday was on our par 5 13th. After a great drive I had about 215 yards to the front of the green and as it is quite a bit up hill I hit 3W. I flushed it with a slight draw that pitched just short of the green and ran up onto the green. This was the first time I have managed to hit this green in 2, it usually plays back into the wind. Unfortunately it ran up onto the top level and with the pin on the bottom meant there was little chance of an eagle, I nearly holed the putt but had a tapin for birdie.
lol i called a shot today in front of a bunch of coworkers
sitting on the tee on #12 waiting for the fw to clear... one of the marshals and a few of the grounds crew were bs'ing with me
i said i was gonna hit a low draw inside the 100 marker... they all bet diff results
stepped up to the tee to a bunch of jeers and piped it... 252
10ft inside the 100 marker... wish i could do that all the time lol
98 yard PW to 4 feet and made the birdie putt. One of the guys I was playing with (a scratch at this course) had the same shot from the other side of the fairway and put it 3 inches left and three inches beyond me, so he got to give me a read.
Finally stuck one the green of the uphill par-3 that's been driving me crazy with club selection for months.

A nice two-putt and a very satisfying par gets carded. Probably a common thing for many folks here but a relative rarity for me so it made my day.

Best shot of the day (and my career) today on the first hole. In my 9 hole matchplay league, I was playing #1, a par 5, and was under a tree for my 4th shot after I had flubbed my 3rd. I took my 5i and tried a punch shot that rolled through the green and into a back bunker, with the pin in the back. This was going to be a difficult up and down for bogey, and I needed to bogey this hole to tie my playing partner and competitor on the hole. My ball was sitting up in wet sand, and I took my 60* wedge and made a smooth swing behing the ball. The ball popped up, landed in the fringe, and rolled right into the hole for par. I've never holed out of the sand before, and it took the wind right out of my opponent's sails. I'm still glowing from that shot.
Best shot of the day (and my career) today on the first hole. In my 9 hole matchplay league, I was playing #1, a par 5, and was under a tree for my 4th shot after I had flubbed my 3rd. I took my 5i and tried a punch shot that rolled through the green and into a back bunker, with the pin in the back. This was going to be a difficult up and down for bogey, and I needed to bogey this hole to tie my playing partner and competitor on the hole. My ball was sitting up in wet sand, and I took my 60* wedge and made a smooth swing behing the ball. The ball popped up, landed in the fringe, and rolled right into the hole for par. I've never holed out of the sand before, and it took the wind right out of my opponent's sails. I'm still glowing from that shot.

Awesome shot Jersey Nate!
Great shot JN. My best (and only good) shot of the day was my tee shot on #1 (my 3rd hole). I hit a 4 iron and hit it nice in the fairway. How exciting.
From 1, of the 2, fairways I hit today I nutted a 5 wood 225 yds to within eagle putt territory......2 putted for birdie though and I was happy with that.
Short par 5 with an island green. Went for it in 2, and pulled my 5 wood into the water. Dropped about 135 out, and stuck my 9 iron shot within a foot of the cup! Routine par.
Absolutely blasted my Super Hybrid today a few times so good it was ridiculous. That thing is an absolute rocket launcher, but just a routine day with a double 2 pars and 6 bogey's couldn't quite get the flat stick working.
Pulled driver in to the trees on a long par 4. Hooked a punch shot around a tree from underneath a different tree and rolled it up to the flag about 6 feet away from 210 out. 3 putted. :D
almost another ace today... why wont these babies go in!
i even missed the birdie tap in grrr
but that tee shot was great... hit a high drawing 7i right at it
my buddy thought i was sandbagging after that shot lol
112 out, sh*t lie, 3rd shot on a par 5. Knock it to 10 feet, make the birdie.
I had some really solid full wedge shots today inside 5 feet.. But that was dwarfed by the wife.

130 out, six iron, hits short and rolls up.... and in. Just like that. Crazy.
I hit a Par 5 in two for the first time in a while today. 240 in, 4 wood to about 20 feet. 2 putt birdie.
Yesterday 304 yard par 4 drove the green pin high with a 10' for eagle drained the putt. Told the guys in my scramble they could take the hole off.
246 2nd shot to par5 14 to 6 feet....eagle
Probably my driver on the first hole. Big, sweeping draw that found itself in absolutely perfect position in the fairway, 240 out.
driver was a monster all day... best drive all day was on #12 when i laid into it trying to reach the 150 but it went right at the 100 marker instead... 273yrds
Today I hit a 323 yard drive from the middle tees and I faded the ball nicely on a dog leg right 398 yard par 4. I ended up 75 yards from the green and this is my best shot of my round! I have proof!!!!

As you can see here, I ended up past a yucca on the left,

The tee box is way in the back by the single tree

Picture I took when the guy on the right told me where my ball was, I was so freaking excited I took pictures for this!!!!

75 yard marker a few feet to the right! should have taken a picture but I couldn't get both the ball and the marker haha

I was so stinkin excited!!
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Striped a 3-iron on a par 3 in my practice round today. 220 to the pin, a bit into the wind. Stinger with a baby cut, about 15 feet past the hole.
Several yesterday with my iron's and no idea where that came from. I was flag hunting all day for a change.

130 yards out, can't see the flag for the tall tree's and up hill to the green, strong breeze left to right so I have to start the ball a little into the wind. I hit a beautiful, high floating 9i that just had to be close, but couldn't tell until we reach the green. The divot was on the right side of the flag, so the ball rolled right by the flag stopping 6' left.
Hole 18 hit a mediocre drive in the fairway 407 yard par 4, and had 185 left 6 iron to the bottom of the cup

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