The Official Banter Away Thread

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Sarcasm dude, you know that.

Chad Trashbag I like to call him

i know, i was just trying to see who would say "YOU LIKE NICKELBACK ENOUGH TO KNOW HIS NAME?!"
Oddly, that was at least 5 years from my rock bottom if that tells you anything.

Wha!!!! How far is the bottom of that cliff?
Edward Fortyhands seems like an awful game. Horrible.

It's a fun game. Almost 7 beers. The rough part is the people who play the rules where you can't use your hands until they're both empty. Some people are gracious and let you do free one hand up after one's empty.
It's pretty fun, actually.

Haha. I was just informed that I will be trying this by my friend. But not with alcohol of course.
i know, i was just trying to see who would say "YOU LIKE NICKELBACK ENOUGH TO KNOW HIS NAME?!"
You care way more than we do, obviously.
Haha not your rock bottom, I mean theirs. They're covering Nickelback. How miserable are they?

True enough.

Stupid youtube ads drive me crazy.
Wha!!!! How far is the bottom of that cliff?

Like I said - One day we'll have to tell stories. Things are good these days. Really good and I'm thankful for it.
Like I said - One day we'll have to tell stories. Things are good these days. Really good and I'm thankful for it.
Like I said - One day we'll have to tell stories. Things are good these days. Really good and I'm thankful for it.

I've seen you looking 83 McRocks, simultaneously.

Friggin Iowa. .
hahaha. Two McRocks!
just re-payed for the AC. hopefully it goes through this time.......
not this again..

Really, YOU are complaining?

I know the movement to Iowa from nickelback is heartbreaking for you, but come on. Mess with Iowa and you shall regret it.
I got SUPER drunk in Iowa one time and had to drive a Frito Lay truck the next morning at 4 am. Pretty sure, I was still drunk.
You guys are alright by me. I do believe I'll go to bed. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll see an Ankeny lady of the night out my window in the morning. Just for old time sake.
I got SUPER drunk in Iowa one time and had to drive a Frito Lay truck the next morning at 4 am. Pretty sure, I was still drunk.

I'm pretty sure Texashacker played TCI still drunk.
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