Vijay Singh caught with HGH alternative


New member
Feb 7, 2011
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Saw this on Morning Drive this morning. Is this a banned substance on tour?

The PGA Tour has said it will look into a report linking Vijay Singh with the use of a deer antler spray previously found to have contained a banned growth hormone.The Fijian will still play in this week's Waste Management Open in Phoenix, but Tour vice-president Ty Votaw has said they will investigate the claims made in an article which appeared inSports Illustrated."As we have just been made aware of the report we have not had a chance to review it in depth, but we will be looking into it," Votaw told*USA Today Sports.The article quotes former world No 1 Singh as saying he used the spray "every couple of hours...every day" and was "looking forward to some change in my body".The deer antler spray contains IGF-1, which SI describes as a "natural, anabolic hormone that stimulates muscle growth."Two years ago, 1999 Open champion Mark Calcavecchia was advised to stop using such a spray, and PGA Tour spokeswoman Laura Hill said at the time: "The PGA Tour regularly warns players of the risks associated with all supplements."
And to think I try to improve my game with new equipment and practice. Who knew all I needed to do was stop at one of the roadkills on my way to the course and rub his antlers on my body.
I hope he watched and learned from Armstrong. And I guess it's better to go with antler spray over the urine... Kidding. Should be interesting to see how this unfolds. First case with golf, they need to handle this right and set precedence.
I really hope this gets cleared up quickly and the fans are told everything.
This was also brought up at media day at the Super Bowl also. Apparently there is a list of athletes using this stuff. IGF-1 is what they're calling it. Which I think is what HGH is made up of or is what people are actually looking to get out of HGH use.
I guess this is why he can hit 10000 balls a day
Musta been hanging out with Ray Lewis.
I read this on the golf channel app this morning. I'm not really surprised. I want to see how the pga handles their first case.
I read this on the golf channel app this morning. I'm not really surprised. I want to see how the pga handles their first case.

Could be interesting.
Vijay is known for taking advantage of the rules out there.

So how does this stuff work? I do 8 minute abs and spray it on my balls? Or do I put it on my driver?

It's very unfortunate to hear this. I was hoping Vijay was having a late career comeback with how he was playing the last year or so but I have to admit I won't be rooting for him anymore. I also hope this doesn't hurt golf as it has baseball and football.
I guess when SI publishes it they can't cover it up like they did for DJ. "Jet ski incident"? Ha.

I want some.
I'm going to have to look into this deer antler thing because on my local sports radio yesterday they were talking about Ray Lewis being accused of using this stuff in a shady hotel room or something. Who knows if it has merits, but now that Vijay's being linked to it I'm curious why they'd take it and who else has been doing it.
I want some.
Yeah.. Hell it's legal,you just can't take it and be a "pro." I really don't see the big deal to be honest.
You guys do realize - unless something was put into this spray that isn't revealed - that there is no way it can work? Your would need mega quantities since the amount of IGF-1 in this "supplement" is very little, and even then Doctors ( not just any doctors, guys at Johns Hopkins, etc ) are saying there is no way the body can use this orally anyway. Plus - why would this be illegal? Salmon, milk, etc cause IGF-1 increases - should they be banned? It isn't like this stuff is being syntheticallly produced, like true HGH. Regardless, IMO - if this stuff works, something else is in there.

And look into the guy ( Mitch Ross ) who is promoting this stuff a little more before jumping to conclusions about anyone... he's an old west snake oil salesman, and a former male stripper!
I can't wait to hear all the jokes that are gonna come from athletes using deer antler spray. If SNL was still funny, I would hope they could come up with a good skit, but they are a lost cause.
I had to do a little digging on this. Jury seems to be out on if this form of the drug works at all (as opposed to the IGF-1 created in muscles during growth/exercise), or if you can get any benefit spraying it on.
I can rub insulin over myself, won't do a thing. This doesn't seem to be a steroid, which I know can be applied externally.

And "hologram chips"???

Sketchy. REAL sketchy. I don't care if he bathes in the stuff, until they take a blood/urine test and show elevated levels, he's just delusional. If he does have elevated levels, then he's doping and the penalties come in.
It's very unfortunate to hear this. I was hoping Vijay was having a late career comeback with how he was playing the last year or so but I have to admit I won't be rooting for him anymore. I also hope this doesn't hurt golf as it has baseball and football.

I agree with this, whether the ingredient in the deer antlerspray is deemed to be illegal or not it is clear that his intent was to circumventthe rules on growth hormone abuse.
This was also brought up at media day at the Super Bowl also. Apparently there is a list of athletes using this stuff. IGF-1 is what they're calling it. Which I think is what HGH is made up of or is what people are actually looking to get out of HGH use.

Insulin Like Growth Factor, I know a bunch of competitive BB'ers that use the stuff.
I think this is a big black mark on what would have been a great career, and cheating is just cheating no matter how you look at it. Really disappointing to hear about it.
If he's been using it lately someone needs to tell him it's not working.