The Official THP Birdie Thread

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Birdie is wise and giving!
Boom! Love it!
Love this little birdie! Tweet tweet friend

On my iPhone T.. T.. Tapatalking away!
There goes my productivity tomorrow.
The birdie thinks we should do another contest tomorrow.

Looking forward to it! We should call this a Hawk Squawk
It is spring...I think the THP birdie has found himself a female birdie and made some baby birdies. There has got to be more than one birdie given all the tweeting going on in this thread.
The birdie sings again. Exciting
I really love the birdie!
Go Birdie, Go Birdie, GO!
I hope Hawk had authorization to make that "Hawk Squawk," can't wait to see what it is!
Hawk has possession of the birdie this is pure awesomeness!
Was that a birdie tweet or a hawk squawk? Whichever, tomorrow will be a good day.
The birdie thinks we should do another contest tomorrow.
Hawk gets to make birdie announcements? Queue the theme song to "The Jefferson's".
Love hearing this birdie chirp.
Fair to say the bird is out of the cage? Chirp baby chirp!
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