The King Is Coming - #GetExcited

In less than an hour, that first number will be a 5. #GetExcited #TheKingIsComing
I feel like when this comes "Clearer", in a little over 5 days. The excitement will be at epic proportions yet there will still be a long list of unknowns!
Invitational "King" crowned amongst the elite few. Past and future banner bearing members will compete for the crown. #thekingiscoming (of course KB could take the King up to a Queen). Way off, but had to throw something out there.

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The King is coming....the King is coming !!
I'm excited....are you excited ?
#GetExcited !!
The countdown is already flying by..king will be here before we know it
In less than an hour, that first number will be a 5. #GetExcited #TheKingIsComing

I was confused with this post for a minute or two.
Then I remembered....THP is on East Coast time..... and is the King !
I watched the Celebration video twice, nothin'!, need to watch it again, maybe in slo mo mode. But......#TheKingIsComing!
I watched the Celebration video twice, nothin'!, need to watch it again, maybe in slo mo mode. But......#TheKingIsComing!

Perhaps 3rd times a charm


And the King is the Ultimate Amateur event! The Morgan Cup is awesome, but the King will make the Morgan cup look like an invitational.

Pretty pumped to get home from my class tonight and see the "5" in the days up there. Woohoo

I need to watch the video again, too as MUST have missed something. Are we going to get anymore hints or clues between now and when #TheKing arrives? #please

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And the King is the Ultimate Amateur event! The Morgan Cup is awesome, but the King will make the Morgan cup look like an invitational.


#TheKing is going to be something amazing I'm sure but making the MC look like less than it is just isn't possible. I have a feeling the two events will have different vibes.
Another day closer!

Where is the King?
You just wait.....

The royal band is prepped and ready to play!



And the King is the Ultimate Amateur event! The Morgan Cup is awesome, but the King will make the Morgan cup look like an invitational.

The king is something great on its own. The Morgan Cup is the Ultimate Amateur event and will forever be that way. invitationals are also stand alone and grand in their own way. this past weekend was fun and i enjoyed myself but it no way stood up to the Morgan Cup, no even close.

But #thekingiscoming
Only about a work week left, it's getting closer!!!
Just more than 5 day's left and the time is flying by... #TheKingIsComing
I agree Freddie that the Invitationals are great and stand on their own and that the MC is the Ultimate Amateur event.

In the celebration video of the MC JB states that the MC is coming back but will be different. This years MC winners aren't coming back as a team to compete next year and Jake got to keep the trophy.

This all leads me to believe that the MC is about to get even awesomer.

This is also roughly the time frame that the MC info was released last yr.

Just my thoughts
The King is no Invitational
The King is no Morgan Cup
between waiting for football season and draft night , vegas , and now this im dying in fing suspense . this is drivvvvvvvvvvvvviiiiiinggggggggggggggg me craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
5 days and less then 10 hours fellas.