1st 2 Spots - #THPMC - The Ultimate Golf Event Period

Vine is an awesome platform for this. I haven't personally got into Vine yet, but its pretty cool platform. Chad and Callaway has really embraced Vine and its great to see THP embracing it with them.
Well this will be fun
Pump it up! Let's do this.
3 days of creativity! Hmmm. Will be fun to see everyone's creative side!
Great idea for an entry method. Time to come up with a good idea and download the Vine app!
First, I need to figure out what a Vine is. (Get off of my lawn.)

Then, I need to firmly affix my thinking cap. This one is going to be tough.
Man, this is a tough one...I can't say my name in 6 seconds. I'll have to play with Vine and see what I can come up with just to support the event and the sponsors. Good luck to everyone on this creative endeavour!!
WOW, 3 days! Fast and Furious, THP style. Love it!
6 seconds of awesomeness...really need to think about this one! X2 Hot rocks, THP rocks, Callaway rocks...this is rock-awesome!
This is AWESOME! I cannot wait to see the creativity that THP'ers are known for!
Welp, looks like I'm going to have to put Vine on my cellphone. Here goes!
I have mine planned and it involves a pair of jorts.
Holy crap this is exciting. Good luck people!
This is a really cool little contest! I like seeing the THP creativity in the new #THPMC entry process. No entry for me due to #TheKing, but I know this will be fun viewing later this week! Good luck MC hopefuls!

Such a cool way to kick it off, now to get those creative juices flowing again!
Nice!! Love the use of Vine for the first contest.

6 seconds is nothing, make it count!!!
Here we go!! Time to get creative and do it in 6 seconds! This should be fun!
Awesome contest. Time to get my vine on. Traveling for work this week so might be a touch more challenging as I'm limited in time and resources. Still think I can come up with something fun and creative.

There will be some absolute fabulous submissions for this no doubt. This event seems to be the most anticipated by the membership thanks to the dynamic coverage of 2013.
Time to nut up or shut up. Going to have to hire iceyshanks to be my marketing guy since I'm not creative at all.
Yuuus! Callaway is the sponsor I want the most. Time to get creative.