Golf Specific Stretches, regain your flexibility


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2010
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As we get old we tend to loose our flexibility. As the flexibility starts to fade so does the distance we once had. Some live with it and play with their new found lack of shoulder turn. But other just work around it and create some very interesting swings.

id like to see everyone work on their flexibility for 10-20 min a day. It doesn't require going to the gym or a great deal of space. And I'm not asking for 10-20min of separate time. You can do these while you watch TV, on a 15 min break at work or whenever. These simple stretches are done before every round for me and a few times during the day. I ask Wicked Cool Bearded Man for some stretches he like and was reminded of these. (Thank you Tim)

  • Touch your toes - keeping you knee slight flexed, bend at the waste and allow you hands to hang free for a 20 count. Stand and repeat 2 more times. Allow gravity to pull you toward your toes. If this is done everyday I promise you will gain more mobility in the hamstrings.
  • Front quad - since we worked the hamstring we need to give equal attention to the quad. Grab your ankle and pull your foot into hamstring. Grab a chair if you need help with balance. But hold you leg in those position for a 20 count, switch legs and repeat two more times. This will loosen the quadriceps, joints in knee and lower hip. For a great stretch you can hold the ankle and bend forward. All while keep the other leg straight and stable
  • trunk rotation - grab a club and put in behind you neck while holding the club head and grip. Make sure your feet are shoulder width apart and rotate your shoulder to the right and left. Go as far back as you can on either side and hold for a 20 count. Don't force it, both feet should remain flat on the ground throughout these exercise. Make sure each side is done three times
  • rotator stretch - after you have completed the trunk rotation you can move right into this exercise. Extend the club you are holding up over your head. Once over your head I'd like to see you pull the club back behind your head as far as it will go. Hold this position for a 20 count and repeat. This will stretch your chest and shoulders. I like to pull the arms back as far I can behind my back. When done I let go of the club and repeat.
  • lat stretch - take the same club we have had for the last two exercises for the last. Again this will be repeated three times with each arm. With the left hand, hold the butt of the club behind your head over you right shoulder. Grab the head of the club with the right hand and pull. Keep a form grip with the left while the right hand pulls the club down toward your lower back. You will feel a deep stretch in your lats and shoulders. Do this three times with each arm.

I do these exercises and have for years. When I reached out to Tim (WCBM) he reminded me that basic sometime gets the job done. I still have the same shoulder turn I had when I was a kid and I am longer with all my clubs today then I was back in college. I feel that constant stretching or consistent stretching has played a big roll in my flexibility and continued growth in golf. I hope this helpful and gives you some added power, distance and control.
I love the tips Freddie, stretching is something I need to do much more of and often overlooked. I love it!
Thanks for posting these Freddie. I have been doing a lot of these for about 2 months and love the difference they make


Just Tapping Away
Just did some of these this morning. Definitely need to get into a habit of this.

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Great stuff Freddie! Thanks for the information. I already do some of this quite frequently but will incorporate the rest into my routine.
Thanks Freddie and Tim...It's interesting that you posted this this morning because after watching the Humana segment yesterday with Pres Clinton, I was formulating a question for you on this very subject.
Great post Freddie. Not everyone has time for the gym or to go to the range everyday, bit taking 5 min to stretch can make a huge difference.

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Thanks Freddie and I subscribed to this thread right away! Senior golfers have to work on the flexibility to make golf more enjoyable and less painful. Especially in the colder months when the body is all stoved up and not wanting to move much.
Thanks for posting this Freddie! I need to be more conscious of stretching especially the hamstrings to relieve pressure from the lower back. Sitting around at work all day does not help so this is very important.
Thanks Freddie, I think its hard to find the "basics" sometimes when it comes to getting into shape. I'll definitely add these stretches to my daily routine!

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So I need to do something more than Miguel Angel Jimenez (including the pre-round cigar)? Just kidding, thanks for the post, I've been thinking of trying to develop a regimen. This just may be my kickstart!
thanks for those tips Freddie. I was actually doing some of those the other day working on my shoulder turn for my back swing. Say the size I am I need all the help I can get.
good Idea Mr Kong, I'll try that
The other stretch I do is for my tendons in my arms. Holding your arm straight out. Bend your wrist like making the stop sign motion. I pull back on my fingertips gently and feel the pulling. It helps with golfers elbow I've noticed. Then do it with the hand bent towards the floor. But when I do the I grab the back of my hand instead of the finger tips.
Thanks for this Freddie, I really need to get into a routine of flexibility as well as some weight training! I remember all those from back in my pole vaulting days and did the side stretch as well (right shoulder to right hip & L-L). Can't always put my hands over my head, but do some of it in the car on the way to the range/course. My big issue is with my neck/shoulder/back and hips and incorporate a little of those in as well.

This reminded me of how important this is and as the years have been going by, that I need to do more, not less.
Thanks for the tips Freddie. Stretching is something I need to incorporate into my daily activities. After taking my last lesson my instructor noticed due to my lack of flexibility I have a hard time separating my lower body from my upper body so he suggested a few excercises from to would help.
Thanks Freddie, these are great looking stretches and I know if I applied this stretch routine to my everyday activities I'd feel better and hit the golf ball further!
Thanks Freddie, good tips.
Thanks Freddie, this is great timing. I began working out, cardio and weights last month. Howver, stretching is soemthing that shouldn't be overlooked, and I find if I do it at the end of my workouts, it's much easier as the body is already warmed up.
Thank you for this. Something I've been wanting to work on.
I do a lot of these exercises as well. I have seen significant improvement in not only my flexibility but also in my golf game.

I will start doing the rotator and lay exercises though. So thank you for that, Freddie.
All great stretching ideas, I would also add a stretch for your hip flexor to the list. As a lot of us, myself included, work desk jobs. Stretching your hip flexor is vital to your swing as well.
There are a number you can do. Everyone knows the butterfly stretch. Feet together, pull them in towards your groin and work overtime to get your knees on the ground.
My favorite one is called the Lizard Pose. On the ground, on both knees but not sitting on your legs. From here, step your right leg forward and a little outside of your shoulder. Keeping your left knee still, slowly shift your weight to your right leg. You should feel a pulling in your left hip. Hold for a few seconds, come back up and go back down. Then switch sides as to stretch your right hip flexor.

From the mini-computer!
Great stretches Freddie, thanks for posting. Simple but pretty effective. A great reminder that a lot of people probably overlook in their daily routine, including myself.

Just want to point out on the quad stretch it's real important to pull your foot straight back and up to your hamstring, right under your butt cheek, just like you said. A lot of people will pull their foot back and to the outside, this really lessens the stretch you get in your quad.
I also incorporate a stretch where I have one arm going behind my head pushing down; the other arm behind my lower back pushing up. Basically trying to shake my own hands behind my back.