Bye Bye Barry - Barry Sanders Story


Lord Tox
Albatross 2025 Club
Staff member
May 20, 2011
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Just saw the trailer for this can’t wait to watch

Definitely one I'm looking forward to watching- such an intriguing story.
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Definitely one I'm looking forward to watching- such an intriguing story.
I’m very curious to see if he answers the question we all want to know…Why?
The best ever at the position, and no one will ever change my mind.

Freaking Lions.
Ooooh This is a must watch.
I’m very curious to see if he answers the question we all want to know…Why?
I have my fingers crossed that he does, but I don't think that he will... I hope I'm wrong.
I Definity want to see this.
I love watching these kind of shows. I will definitely be queueing this one up.
Oh heck yes this will be on the play list for sure!!!
He was a magician..... will watch on opening day!
a must watch for sure. Had no idea this even existed. Can’t wait.
The best ever at the position, and no one will ever change my mind.

Freaking Lions.
As a huge Emmitt Smith fan I would have disagreed with you when I was younger but Barry was by far the best pure RB I have ever seen.
As a huge Emmitt Smith fan I would have disagreed with you when I was younger but Barry was by far the best pure RB I have ever seen.
Emmitt is overrated. Always has been. He was excellent, but not the best ever. Sweetness, Barry, and Jim Brown all day.
Emmitt is overrated. Always has been. He was excellent, but not the best ever. Sweetness, Barry, and Jim Brown all day.
Emmitt was good but he had an amazing O line in Dallas
That'll be a good watch. I loved watching him run.
Barry Sanders was great, he faxed his retirement statement in, I didn’t know that.
Only the Lions could run off the greatest RB and one of the great WR of all time with gas still in the tank....
Should be a good one on Prime. His departure reflected his play, he was there until he wasn't.
Definitely looking forward to watching this.
Second greatest RB I ever saw, next to Bo Jackson. However, he was the most amazing.

I still remember years of drafting him in fantasy football with the hopes he would come out of retirement.
Oh yeah, I'm excited for this one.