do you lose your addiction to golf just as easy as you get addicted to it?


"Just playin golf pally"
Albatross 2024 Club
Aug 28, 2012
Reaction score
planet earth, milky way galaxy
what I mean is that it seems the more I play (and/or practice) the more addicted I become to it. The more I want to keep playing and practicing and look for every opportunity to do it and even go out of my way to create opportunity even to the point of sometimes doing it when I really shouldn't.

But then when I cant play (and/or practice) due to life's obligations, or the weather, or whatever the reasons, the desire and/or addiction to keep at it seems to be no big deal anymore once a small amount of time passes. That addicting desire while you cant play only lasts for a short while and then it just kind of goes away.

Like today for example. Its been on the cold side outside lately but was more than nice enough and sunny. I haven't done much at all (golf wise) lately and if this was a month ago (while I was doing more golf stuff) I would have made every single effort possible to get out today. But I didn't and I didn't even have a whole bunch of things to do (which is rare) but I didn't go out anyway and it didn't bother me. A month ago I would have tried to figure out a way to get out even if I had some things to do and would have been bummed if I couldn't get it done. But now that some (golf less) time has passed it didn't bother me not to play today.

I think Its just kind of funny how addicting golf can become but at the same time when you don't get to do it much, the addiction can go away. Of course its not like I'm saying I don't want to golf anymore or lost my desire for it. That couldn't be further from the truth, but just that I guess in the end its just golf and not real important in life vs very many other things.
I work at a course so I am around golf 27/7. I get burnt out every once in a while so I take a week or two off and spend my free time at the rifle range or in the woods hunting.
Since I have winter, my addiction gets curtailed. But my dedication does not
Who says I'm addicted? I can quit any time I want!
I'm always trying to find time to get to the course even if it's for 20 minutes.
Growing up in Wisconsin and Minnesota I had a forced layoff every year for 5 months or more and I always considered it a good thing. I don't know that I would have stuck with golf had I been able to play it year round. Since moving to California in 1998 I still take a 4-5 month layoff every winter where I play on average less than 1 round per month. There have been several winters recently where I haven't touched my clubs from late October until March. Skiing and hunting still rank ahead of golf on my list of favorite hobbies.
This is the first off-season when I won't have my condo in Myrtle Beach since '01. Sold it this spring so it will be interesting to see how I react to not being so easily able to get my winter golf fix.
When we moved this year we went through a big renovation of our house and I lost interest in golf. I never saw that coming. Now that it's mostly over, my addiction is kicking into full gear again.
When I can't play, that's when the true "dark passenger" rears it ugly head and I start buying this and tinkering with that for when I can start playing again. I could quit anytime, but why?
I have been playing since the late 80's, I took a 5yr break from 2005-2010, but since I started again my addiction has gotten shows no signs of slowing down and Im really pissed about winter being here shortly!
When I can't get out to play I do miss it but I can always find other things to keep busy at. I love golf and enjoy playing every chance I get but our weather plays a big part in that.
It's ebbs and flows with how intense the "addiction" is. But luckily I've found THP to help keep me on an even keel.
Mine comes and goes with the flow of life but I never walk away from golf.
When we moved this year we went through a big renovation of our house and I lost interest in golf. I never saw that coming. Now that it's mostly over, my addiction is kicking into full gear again.

What you doing up so early in the a.m. ? :D

Two surgeries taking a total of five months out of a twelve month period plus the home renovation really put golf on the back burner for me. Did I miss it? Yea however I think missing the days out on the course with friends as opposed to sitting home mending from surgery sucked more than actually striking a golf ball. Having decent weather pretty much the entire year gives us a great deal of time for golf. Being retired also allows us to play anytime we choose. I don't think I am as addicted to golf as I was in my earlier years. It has become a pretty darn hard habit to kick though! :D
This is simple to answer… NO!
Kind of. I have my ups and downs with how much I want to play or practice. Sometimes I need to get out a few days in a row and other times I dont think about golfing all week
My addiction only grows stronger over the winter. As I'm hitting balls in a freezing golf dome, or playing Pebble Beach on an indoor simulator, my mind wanders to actually being outside playing on real grass with real golf course smells.

I forget what movie this was from: "how much food do you feed a workhorse? Just enough so he knows he's hungry."

I think Eight Men Out, but that's how I feel when trying to "play" over the course of the winter.
only after events like The Morgan Cup to be honest. I don't think it's just with golf either. Whenever I work hard for something and it comes and goes, I usually end up relaxing a bit following that event. Some years its different. This year after the MC I don't know if I touched a club for 3 weeks. But once I start back up it doesn't take me long to get back in to the swing of things.
Since I have winter, my addiction gets curtailed. But my dedication does not

Same here. I've been playing since the early 70's and so I've gone through a lot of off seasons including right now. Pretty much over here this year. I have other hobbies for the winter, so I'm good with the downtime. Only takes a week or two in the spring to get it all back.
I'm lucky since I have grown up in Texas and basically get year around golf here. Now did lose my want to play the game and stoppped playing for about 5 years and just recently have started back into the game. I know have more passion and want to play the game more than I ever have in my entire life. Taking a extended break was the best thing for me.
For me, it was a good experience getting away from the game and when I came back, my passion/addiction is a lot stronger now. THP keeps your passion/addiction high!
I would definitely say this describes me.

I'm very addicted to golf while the weather permits it. However once football season and cold weather arrives, I invest my time into other activities (football, video games, etc.) Then my addiction to golf starts up again once the weather becomes nice again.
I lost mine for a few years when I wasn't able to play regularly. I always loved getting out when I could even during those years, but it was also easy to talk myself out of being particularly excited about golf because I wasn't going to get to play regularly. And when I did, it was so infrequent that I didn't play as well as I used to. It was almost as if I decided to become less excited about golf in order to stem the disappointment of not being able to do it very often, if that makes sense. Now that I'm able to play regularly again, the addiction is fully back.
There is no respite from my golf addiction. I can pretty much play or practice every day and it's not enough. The longer I'm away the worse it gets, I go into withdrawals. Winter is here as of today and all I can do is hope for a warming trend.