Want a portable swingstudio?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Me and my coach use a lot of video when we practice and I've been hitting balls indoors all winter and I've seen almost every single swing on video afterwards. It's easy since we have two cameras (one front and one to the side) hooked up to a trigger and then immediately after it replays on a TV screen in front of you. I've wanted to bring this way of working with me when I go out and play tournaments and now I've found a way that I think'll work.

If you've got a smartphone, download the app V1 Golf. Upgrade it for like 2 bucks and you can do comparisons (2 swings on the same screen), paint lines, circles etc and you get access to a database with a bunch of tourplayers.

Only trouble was finding a way to film it. Handheld is often a bit too shaky and you need someone to hold it for you. So I bought this:

Shipped to Sweden for 40 bucks. Just attached it on the divider in my bag and voila!

www.v1golfapp.com and www.inyourfaceusa.com
Thats pretty cool. I actually have the V1 golf app, it works as advertised. Like you though, I have to get someone to hold it and then its all shakey. The other day I put my iPhone on a gazebo ledge which worked pretty good till the wind started blowing. I'll have to check out the Viewbase, looks like a good solution.
Tried it out today. It works great with the holder and the analysis is pretty easy to do. Only problem is that if you want to film it in say, 720p HD, then the conversion takes some time. Since there's no timer (afaik) you basically push record by your bag, hit a few shots and then walk over to stop it. Then you have to wait around 5 mins for it to convert to a format which it can analyse. You end up with some unnecessary footage (which you can edit away, but only after conversion) which is a bit tedious, since you want fairly immediate feedback.

But it's also good to take a break every now and then, you just might have to structure your sessions around the conversion. Work on something, tape a few shots and then take a break while it converts. :)
Thanks for the info. I am definitely going to get the app on my ipad and try it out.
Looks great. I'm going to give it a shot
Thanks for the info. I am definitely going to get the app on my ipad and try it out.

It must be pretty bad-ass on an iPad. I have an HTC Desire HD and drawing the lines, circles etc is a bit tricky but I can't imagine bothering with it on an even smaller screen, like the iPhones.
It must be pretty bad-ass on an iPad. I have an HTC Desire HD and drawing the lines, circles etc is a bit tricky but I can't imagine bothering with it on an even smaller screen, like the iPhones.

I will definitely let everyone know how it works on the ipad, but the damn thing won't be shipped until April 13th.
That sounds really cool. My BB doesn't have this app though so it is not for me at the moment.
Ooo - I bet this would be cool on the ipad. For anyone that tries it - please post and let me/us know what you think. We don't have an ipad- I was going to have my husband try it on his iphone. I'll sadly, probably be the holder for the phone - we'll see how it turns out!
Ooo - I bet this would be cool on the ipad. For anyone that tries it - please post and let me/us know what you think. We don't have an ipad- I was going to have my husband try it on his iphone. I'll sadly, probably be the holder for the phone - we'll see how it turns out!

I totally recommend the holder. 30 well spent dollars.
So Mr. Blind 9 downloaded the app and we used it today. Very cool app. I haven't seen my swing taped and played back in slow-mo in so long. It really gave us some good ideas of where we need to improve. Thanks for recommending it thepete! Any one else get a chance to try it out?
Great idea, thanks for sharing
Not to take away from V1. I use a app caled Iswing. It has count down with beeps at the end. The drawing is much more easy too. Check it out.