Interview with Golftini Founder Susan Hess

The Hackers Paradise was recently given the opportunity to speak with Golftini founder Susan Hess and discuss the entire line and how it all got started. Golfer Gal was thrilled to have spoken with one of her favorite designers and cannot wait to show off their 09 Spring Line next month.

THP: How did Golftini get started?

Susan: Golftini has been in business for 5 years now. I decided to take up golf again, but couldn’t stand the clothes, I could not find a skort that I liked. All I wanted was a black skort. Since I couldn’t find one I decided to make my own. I found a pattern maker in NYC, showed him what I wanted and he made it. When I wore it to the course my friend asked where I got it, I told her that I made it and she asked if she could have one made too. After making one for my friend I stumbled across a ribbon store and decided to add a ribbon to the skort. The head pro’s wife at my club loved them so much she asked if she could be my sales rep. I attended the PGA merchandise show in 2004 and everything took off after that.

THP: Where did you get the name Golftini?

Susan: My girlfriend’s and I were at a Martini bar one night and it just came to me. (THP loves the name, we especially love the martini glass logo, too cute!)

THP: What makes Golftini unique?

Susan: We are very proud that all our items are manufactured here in the USA, we do not outsource anything. We also create all our own fabrics. We like to think of ourselves as “Preppy Chic”. We are a fashion forward company putting a new spin on womans golfwear.

THP: Where can people find Golftini?

Susan: Our line is in many private golf clubs nationwide and by Thanksgiving we will have our online store. (THP readers can receive 10% off all items by entering a code that will be announced during the review next month)

THP: What is in store for Golftini’s future?

Susan: We are adding Bermuda shorts to our line, as well as great new fabrics. We also have fun fashion tops with pleated sleeves.

THP: What would you say is Golftini’s signature item?

Susan: I would say our black pleated skort, but some might say it’s the ribbon.

: Can we purchase additional ribbons?

Susan : Yes, for $10 each you can get a ribbon in any color or style.

THP: Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today.

Do not forget that Golftini will be covered extensively as part of our Spring Fashion Week 09 that kicks off at the beginning of next month. You will not want to miss the amazing outfits that they sent over for us to show all of the readers.

And as always you can check out their collection and read more about the lines at Golftini.

Your Fashion Guru

Golfer Gal

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Morgan is co-founder of The Hackers Paradise with her husband, and fellow staff writer, Josh Babbitt. Together they share a passion for all things golf, food, travel and their two precious puppies.