Live Update Thread: The Edel Experience with Club Champion

The Live Update thread for The Edel Experience with Club Champion is here.

A lucky THPer is on his way to Chicago for a couple of days of fitting and golf. Just because you are not there, does not mean you can’t learn all about the new Edel SMS wedges as well as hear about a potential upcoming contest coming up soon.

Edel SMS Fitting

The Itinerary
Thursday AM: Pick up THPer at the airport and have lunch with Chris Koske from Edel Golf Thursday PM: Go to Club Champion HQ for a full wedge fitting on Edel SMS wedges.
Thursday PM: Group Dinner with Edel Golf, Club Champion and Lucky winner
Friday AM: Round of Golf with Edel Golf
Friday PM: Fly Home with new properly fit equipment

Does this sound like fun? If so, make sure to follow along, as we might have some major announcements coming up in the live thread that you will not want to miss.

The comments are going to be coming fast and furious for this one and will be filled with fitting information as well as Edel SMS wedge info. If you have questions, here is your chance to get them answered straight from both Edel and Club Champion.

Go to discussion...

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.