Mizuno MP T-10 Wedge Review

When it comes to purchasing new wedges for many amateur golfers, there may be no better time than this year due to changes that will not allow manufacturers to keep producing the same deep grooves we all love, despite the fact that we are legally allowed to play them until 2024. Mizuno has put out a new set of wedges for 2010 with that exact thought in mind and THP was eager to take them for a test drive ever since getting a chance to get a hands on look at the PGA Merchandise Show in January.

From The Company
Mizuno is proud to introduce the new MP T-10 line of high performance forged wedges featuring high spin Quad Cut Grooves. These new wedges combine Mizuno’s patented Grain Flow Forged feel with a Tour confirmed head shape and sole to provide unmatched precision in the short game. The MP T-10 wedges are Grain Flow Forged from 1025E “Pure Select” mild carbon steel to provide the most soft, solid and consistent feel available, while an innovative 360 sole grind and thinner top line deliver maximum shot making versatility and control. The MP T-10 wedges feature all new QUAD CUT GROOVE technology, which enables Mizuno to precisely control the width, depth, draft angle and shoulder radius of each groove to deliver maximum spin control and ball stopping ability in all playing conditions.

*QUAD CUT GROOVES for Maximum Spin in all conditions
*Tour confirmed teardrop head shape
*Patented Grain Flow Forged 1025E “Pure Select” mild carbon steel for soft, solid, and consistent feel
*360 grind top line and sole for shot making versatility
*Plated White Satin finish for maximum durability and classic appearance

The “T” in MP-T stands for teardrop, which describes the shape of the wedge.
The MP T-10 offer very minimal offset and have a new grind that will give golfers the maximum playability. This new grind is similar to that of the “C-Grind” that was on the last Mizuno wedge line, however it covers the entire outside of the wedge (360 degrees) and will allow players to open and close the club face without changing the bounce angle by that much.
The MP T-10 features Quad Cut grooves and are milled to the maximum allowable depth and configuration for most amateur golfers until the year 2024. This technology allows them to have each groove precise to ensure every shot will receive the same high spin.

With a similar shape to the previous “T” version, the MP T-10 adds that 360 grind that adds to the aesthetic value of the top line of the wedge. THP received both the White Satin and Black Satin versions that are available and from what we can tell, the only difference is the finish. The back of the club features the Mizuno branding as well as the Quad Cut Grooves logo (that we really like) and the wedge model featuring red and white paint fill. The black version of this iron looks dark and industrial and begs to be put on a shelf rather than hit. It is a raw wedge that is designed to rust for aesthetic value. While we liked the look of both in the series, the black raw wedge is something to behold. The entire line has an incredible classic look that brings in some extra confidence when you are setting up to the ball.

Performance Testing
Over the course of the last month we were able to put these in play for 12 rounds of golf as well as countless range sessions. To start with, despite us going over the looks of the wedges already, I have to comment on them here as well. When setting up to a ball, the shape is extremely inviting and the new 360 grind that they have in place is one of the best we have seen. Not so much for the “carved out” portion, because many brands have that already, but because of the heel and toe relief that it adds. The 360 Sole Grind does exactly what it is supposed to and that is give relief where it is needed, without altering the bounce on your shots. Opening up a 56 degree or 60 degree was so much easier and made that thin shot (skulling the ball off of the leading edge) non-existent for everybody that tried it.

More people ask about wedge spin than anything else and with the Mizuno MP T-10 wedge, you will get plenty. In my opinion it has more than just about any other Mizuno wedge we have tried previously, and this was one of the few complaints we had about previous models. Well, Mizuno has obviously fixed that small issue with the Quad-Cut Grooves and we loved it during testing. We found them to spin as much or more than most of the wedges we have tried this year and it was a joy to see the new grooves in action.

When it comes to feel, few companies are known for this as much as Mizuno Golf and they take pride in their ability to have that following. The Mizuno MP T-10 are not a let down in that area at all, in fact the soft feel is the perfect combination to the spin that we outlined above. Having this kind of feel with the touch shots is something special and with the ability to open up the club at ease because of the new grind, the softness at impact added a little touch of “grace” around the green that you do not get from many wedges. Something that we want to add here is how subjective feel is and that what feels great to one person may in fact not feel as good to another, so try before you buy if you can.

It has never been a better time to look for new wedges because of the new rules and if you want to stay under the maximum allowable grooves for most amateurs, 2010 is the perfect time to jump in. With that being said, Mizuno has brought to market a wonderful combination of looks, feel, spin, and performance that should make its way on to your short list of clubs to try. The MP T-10 wedges cost about $110 which puts them in line with most other high end performance wedges. For more information on these or any other Mizuno Golf products, check out their website at www.mizunousa.com.

Till Next Time

Josh B.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.