One of the things that THP is a huge believer in is club fitting. Having clubs that fit a person’s swing rather than having to fit your swing to a new set of clubs is a wonderful process that has changed the way consumers can buy their clubs. Not all fitting is created equally however and we thought this video showing a process called Precision Club Matching was pretty cool.
Check it out.
seeing this just makes me wanna go and work with a Golftec instructor. I know I would learn a lot about my game. Great video!
mmm, precision club matching! i want to experience this, and when it’s time for new sticks, i may be making the trek to golf tec
It’s a great process. My best performing irons from the numbers were both not on my radar prior to my GolfTEC fitting. It’s a lot of fun, too.
This sounds like something thats pretty exciting for the industry. If I’m getting this right, your swing is broken down into a category the can be run through a database that can connect said swing with a specific shaft/head type? I want to hear a bit more regarding this. Thanks for the information.
That is REALLY cool! It’s so good to see that GolfTEC gets it and wants to help the average golfer rather than push something on the buy that he doesn’t necessarily need or will help their game.
Note to GolfTEC, you should open more centers in Canada! Maybe Edmonton…..
@TheDue: You’re on the right track! Precision-matching golf clubs starts by taking several specific measurements of your club at impact. You use your current swing and the computer gives you 10 club options that might work for you. Your Coach will help you narrow those options down to 3, which you can test while the computer takes precise performance data. Using the empirical information, you can then find the ideal club for you and order them at a great price.
Of course, your swing may change if you’re taking lessons. That’s why you’ve heard forum members say they’ve opted to take lessons before being buying custom clubs. If you’re interested in a Swing Evaluation, check out this link:
All the GolfTEC Club Fitting information can be found here: