Rapsodo MLM2PRO Personal Launch Monitor

In the last five years, there isn’t a product that has fundamentally changed how golfers practice more than the personal launch monitor. While you’re scanning your brain to prove me wrong, consider the following: For the first time, golfers have relatively easy access to accurate, comprehensive launch data almost anywhere they can swing a golf club. There’s a reason it seems like every professional has a $20,000 launch monitor next to them at the range. Knowledge is power. Luckily, amateurs can invest far less money while still taking advantage of the many benefits offered by this technology. 

Rapsodo MLM2PRO with Callaway golf balls

Rapsodo’s first offering in the affordable personal launch monitor space, the MLM, currently priced at $349 (plus subscription fees), was well received, but not without its limitations. The small radar-based unit was designed to work outdoors in conjunction with iOS devices to provide metrics like club head speed, ball speed, and launch angle while simultaneously using the mobile device’s camera to display the golfer’s swing and a shot tracer. Unfortunately, the open nature of Android devices made integrating with the MLM’s user interface challenging, so the device was only compatible with the iOS operating system. In addition, it didn’t provide spin numbers, making it less desirable for the player that wanted a complete picture of their launch conditions. 

Seeing an opportunity to meet the needs of a wider range of customers, Rapsodo set out to make what they believe is the most complete personal launch monitor in the sub-$1000 segment, the MLM2PRO. The MLM2PRO was designed with an eye towards improving the total user experience through several added features and Android compatibility. In addition, the new feature set makes the device indoor-friendly, so users can enjoy a complete simulator experience. This relatively compact unit has a unique tripod slot that accommodates both tablets and phones, giving consumers a wide variety of devices they can use with it. Space requirements for using the MLM2PRO are consistent with other radar-based units, with the company recommending eight feet of space in front of the ball and six feet behind it. 

Rapsodo MLM2PRO tech specs

The MLM2PRO is a radar launch monitor system bolstered by two on-board cameras. The two cameras are both designed to do very different things, and each provides new, exciting capabilities to the unit. 

The wide-angle Shot Vision camera is the piece that allows integration with both iOS and Android devices. Rather than relying on an iOS device’s camera, Shot Vision records each swing and displays it, along with shot tracer and swing metrics, onto a mobile device using either operating system. Not only does this feature increase accessibility, but it also provides a high-quality camera that doesn’t rely on the latest and greatest device for high-end optics. The picture below does show a dual-angle display, called Rapsodo Swing Vision, which is another enhancement the MLM2PRO offers. Users can connect an additional device to the app to provide both face-on and down-the-line views of their swing. 

Ipad with Rapsodo MLM2PRO

The second, and possibly most exciting, camera is called Impact Vision. This camera uses a 240-fps, high-speed shutter to capture impact and initial ball flight to measure spin rate, spin axis and angle of descent. Rapsodo has paired with Callaway Golf to unlock this feature, with a specially designed ball called Callaway® RPT™ Chrome Soft X®. The unique chevron-shape dot pattern allows the Impact Vision cameras to accurately track and measure the ball as it leaves the club face, improving the device’s ability to track carry distance and path in addition to the metrics listed above. Each MLM2PRO comes with a sleeve of RPT™ Chrome Soft X® balls and they will also be available to purchase online after the unit is available at retail on March 31st, 2023. 

What the device measures vs what it calculates

In addition to its hardware improvements, the MLM2PRO features several software advancements that will be especially attractive to indoor golfers. Like the original MLM, users will have access to a subscription service, called MLM2PRO™ Premium Membership, that unlocks the device’s full feature set. Unlike the MLM’s relatively limited number of add-ons, MLM2PRO™ Premium Membership unlocks the dual-camera and spin features while giving users access to Rapsodo Range and Rapsodo Courses. 

Subscription with the Rapsodo MLM2PRO

Rapsodo Range is exactly what it sounds like – a simulation range that displays shot metrics, shot trace, and trajectory for indoor users. Rapsodo Courses enables users to play simulation rounds at over 30,000 courses globally with a high-end graphics package and easy-to-use interface. Indoor golfers will enjoy the ability to play virtually any course around the world and may even find it useful for preparing for upcoming rounds. 

Cell Phone app showing simulation

In addition to its baked-in simulation features, the MLM2PRO fully integrates with popular simulation providers like Awesome Golf and e6 Connect. More integrations are scheduled, so users of other simulation software can expect to be able to use the device on their preferred platform. 

The Details             

Carrying case with Rapsodo MLM2PRO, stand and Callaway golf balls

The MLM2PRO will be available for pre-order on February 1st, 2023 and widely available at retailers on March 31st. The device comes with a sleeve of Callaway® RPT™ Chrome Soft X® golf balls and a one-year subscription to MLM2PRO™ Premium Membership for $699. The anticipated pricing of future year subscriptions is around $199.

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Editor and writer Ryan Hawk lives in northwestern Illinois with his fiance and son. He's been a writer for The Hackers Paradise for two years and has been involved with a number of THP events.