If you have read any of my reviews you will know that I love when things match. I love to coordinate outfits. I love when I can add a matching pair of shoes, or a great glove, pretty much anything to tie an outfit together. So when someone told me I could create a personalized bag I had to learn more. We contacted an incredible company called SnapTotes to get the scoop on these, as they say it, picture perfect handbags.
The concept behind the bags is pretty neat. In today’s society people put such emphasis on brands and labeling as a way to express themselves. SnapTotes believes there is no better brand than one all about you, your memories, your family, and your creativity. Their main focus is to create a high quality product that is both fun to make and memorable for years to come. They do this by focusing on three things; make it fun, make it easy, and make it great.
Below is a step by step explanation of how the process works.
Step 1: Choose a Bag
On their website, SnapTotes, you will click on the bag style you want from the collection under design a bag. There are several to choose from that will work for just about every occasion or style. If you see a shape or size that intrigues you, click on the image for more details. SnapTotes has provided detailed specifications on size, closure type, and interior design to help you choose the bag that will be just right for you, your family or friends
Step 2: Pick Design Elements
Each bag has different design choices for you regarding the liner colors, exterior trims, handle type, image options etc. Different styles have different options available which are highlighted on each product’s page.
Step 3: Supply an Image
You can upload your image directly with your order. Using the browse tool, you can choose any digital image (jpeg preferred) that resides on your computer. If you don’t have a digital image, No problem, just place your order and they will mail you a kit so that you can send them the prints you want to use, they will scan them and return your originals.
Step 4: Crop and Edit Your Image
Now you can see just how the image will look on your bag with thei new cropping tool! If you have downloaded your image(s), you will then be directed to crop your image to the bag you’ve chosen. You can zoom your pictures in or out on the bag and move the picture around on the bag to get the perfect composition on your bag. You can also edit your photo to change the color (black & white, sepia, etc), rotate the image and automatically eliminate red eye effects. If you have selected a picture on both sides of your bag, you will be directed to crop both images. If you have selected a collage, you will skip this step and one their professional designers will create a proof and send it to you for your approval.
Step 5: Place your order and receive your custom bag
Once you have designed your bag and supplied an image, provide them with your payment information and place your order. You will receive an order confirmation within 2 hours and your bag should arrive within 3 weeks.
After a few simple steps and three short weeks later you will have your very own personalized bag that you can guarantee no one else will be carrying. The wonderful people at SnapTotes sent us a fantastic bag with a picture of golf course on it. I was so impressed with the quality of their work. Not only is the picture spot on but the actual bag itself is top notch. It’s water resistant, very sturdy, and looks GREAT! SnapTotes is so confident in the quality of their product that if you find something wrong with your bag within the first 30 days, simply send the bag back and they will make you a brand new one at no additional cost.
With prices ranging from $35-$150+ , the cost is a bit steep, however, a personalized reminder of something or someone you love is truly priceless. They have such a great selection of different types of bags to chose from, you will be able to find the right one for you. The larger totes would be great for storing your change of clothes in the locker room, and the smaller ones are great for your toiletries. What about a bag for your golf balls, tees, gloves, etc, they can make that for you too. If you are looking for that extra personal touch to really express who you are and what you love, then I highly recommend checking out SnapTotes.
Your Fashion (and accessories) Guru
Golfer Gal
I really like this idea. Great read.