Tattoo Golf Belt Week Profile

As most of the readers of The Hackers Paradise know, we are big fans of Tattoo Golf. They were one of the innovators of new and fresh golf gear designs. When THP had a chance to talk with them about doing a clothing review, we jumped at it, and of course the readers here have found a new clothing line that they have enjoyed as well. During that time we spoke with Greg Shaw from Tattoo Golf about Belt Week and although we profiled the belts in their review, we will cover them again here as well.

Tattoo Golf was kind enough to send us a couple of belts to try out for their review. The first thing I noticed was that these things are well made. We got a chance to see the black buckle and the silver buckle as well as one of their belts. Without going into details yet, one of my favorite things about these belts and buckles is that they are interchangeable. Meaning you can snap on whatever buckle you decide. Most of the companies we have reviewed have their buckles as a permanent fixture. This way if you only want to buy one belt and multiple buckles you can and interchange them. That made us all happy!

The belt itself is a thing of beauty. It has a nice textured finish and has their logo stamped around the entirety of the leather. We got the black one sent to us and I have worn it both with and without a buckle. As you know we are bargain shoppers sometimes at THP and to think that this belt will only set you back $19.99 is a thing of beauty. It can be found Here.

The black buckle that was included was a hit the minute it came out of the box. It features their classic skull & crossbone logo but adds a wonderful shiny black finish. It is big enough to look tremendous but at the same time small enough to not get in the way. It is a piece of art on your belt and something that any fashion conscience golfer needs in their collection. It is also a bargain at $19.99. The best part of this is, if you like the belt and the buckle, you save some dough and get both together on sale for $34.99 Here.

The sliver buckle that was included is again interchangeable with our black one. Have I mentioned that we love that? It is the same design as the black buckle, but it sports pewter finish. Kind of a matte sliver. Both are striking and work wonders with just about any outfit. I have found myself wearing them more away from the course than on. And as our readers know, we love clothing that bridges the gap between golf wear and everyday wear.

Now for the best part. Readers of our forum found this out yesterday, but we will announce it here today. The Hackers Paradise now has a discount code/coupon for all of Tattoo Golf clothing and accessories. Come on into the forum to find out the code. Tattoo Golf is offering an additional 15% off your entire order for registered readers of THP. This was music to our ears. Not only are these belts and buckles affordable up front, we get an additional savings immediately.

You cannot go wrong with Tattoo Golf. Check them out and I am sure you will be as delighted as we are. You can see all of their merchandise and hear more about their story at Tattoo Golf.

Till Next Time

Josh B.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.