There are several different teaching aids available in stores and online and each one has it’s own purpose. What I have noticed about these tools is that they are normally for people who have already learned the game of golf and they are just trying to practice a particular skill. What about the true beginner, the person who has never picked up a golf club in their entire life? That’s where the Teach-N-Towel comes into play. This new training aid was made for the beginner but it also great for someone who needs a refresher. This is one of those items that belongs in the “Why didn’t I think of that?†category.
The Teach-N-Towel is exactly what it sounds like, it’s a towel that you can clip onto your golf bag that is also an amazing teaching tool. Attached to the towel is a great little instructional booklet that is small enough to keep in your pocket or golf bag. “Teach-N-Towelâ„¢ by CAL Golf, LLC is a complete player development system designed specifically to train golfers in the fundamentals of set-up, alignment and ball placement. This colorful golf towel is the perfect training aid – it’s easy for all golfers to understand and use, and it attaches directly to their bag. It is designed to help you improve 3 key fundamentals: set-up, alignment, ball placement. The Teach-N-Towel will make you more comfortable, more consistent, and more confident in your golf game.â€
The first component to this tool is alignment. Once you place your golf club on the ground facing your target you can then put the towel on the ground using the black alignment line and then place a tee in each of the corners to secure the towel. This allows the beginner to step back see how their aim is and see if they have aligned the club properly to their target. Once someone knows they are aimed at their target they can move onto the next step which is proper set-up and foot placement.
This innovative teaching tool utilizes color coordinated footprints and ball marks to remove any confusion on where your feet should be placed. There are four colors to show you where to place your front foot to hit a drive, pitch or iron, putt, and chip. For the experienced or even average golfer this may seem like a simple step but for someone who has never hit a golf ball before, they have no idea where they are supposed to place their feet. I know when I first learned how to play golf I had no idea I needed to change my stance for different types of clubs. I really like the way they place your feet for a chip shot, it really forces you to lean on that front leg. If anyone has had a chance to check out THP TV you will know that our teaching pro did a session on chip shots and he stresses how important it is to put weight on that front leg. For set-up I give this training aid an A+.
The final component to the Teach-N-Towel is ball placement. This is tied in with the foot placement because it teaches you where in your stance the ball should go. The ball marks on the towel are color coordinated with the footprints. They have blue for drive, red for pitch and irons, white for putts, and yellow for chips. I personally think this is a genius idea, it takes all the guess work right out and really shows a true beginner exactly what to do.
When I was first learning how to play golf I would have loved to have a tool like this. It really puts everything in prospective and perfectly explains the key elements to setting up to the ball. So many people are visual learners and if you are one of those people I would highly recommend picking up a Teach-N-Towel. The creators of this towel really thought about their students and made sure to make these for both right and left handed players as well as for junior golfers. This is not only a great teaching aid but it also doubles as a very high quality towel that you can use to clean off your clubs after you start hitting the ball like a pro. The MSRP for the Teach-N-Towel is $29.95 and the Teach-N-Towel Jr. is $19.95. If this was just a golf towel I would say that price is outrageous but being that it is a teaching aid first and towel second I would say this is priced fairly right. I wouldn’t mind seeing it at $25.00 but for what it does I would pay the extra $5.00. To learn more about the Teach-N-Towel or to purchase one of these wonderful training aids you can visit their website at Teach-N-Towel.
Your Fashion & Accessories Guru
Golfer Gal
if it looks good, and tastes good, and smells ok, it must be a trainer towel!
oops…I’m sorry, I was trying to be funny…But I know it wasn’t. I also signed in under the wrong name. Sorry Andy!! It really looks simple and easy to use!
That looks like a good idea for my daughters, the junior version is only $19.95. Thanks for the review.
Interesting tool for the beginner or those that need a refresher.
Good review GG. I think I probably could use this little towel, since my stance is very inconsistent. Too bad I’ve got too much ego. Ha ha.