Tech Talk: What is Center of Gravity and Why Does it Matter to You?

For a couple of years now, CG (center of gravity) has been a buzz word when talking about the technology in metal woods, but one thing that is not often discussed is how the movement of it benefits the golfer and more importantly, what impact does it have on other characteristics like moment of inertia.

Odds are you have seen charts with CG placements labeled all over the place or watched ads that feature CG location, but what does that all mean? To get to the bottom of all of it, THP TV went to see Mike Yagley, from Cobra PUMA Golf, and ask the questions that people want to know in this fascinating episode of Tech Talk.

Shot in 4K, so THP recommends full screen viewing

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Which way do you play it? Weight forward or weight back and does what said above in the video hold true? Let us know in the comments section below or by joining the THP Forum.

Don’t forget you can pick up the new Cobra KING F7 line of drivers at Budget Golf and use the THP Exclusive Coupon for any item in your order.

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Dean DeCrescenzo is a THP staff writer that currently resides in upstate New York. He has been a member of The Hackers Paradise for over 7 years and been involved with a number of THP events.