Golf MTRx iPhone App

Technology is an impressive thing that never stops evolving or spreading into new and different areas. Golf is among the most recent of those areas, and thanks to the widespread availability of smart phones, companies have jumped in headfirst with programs made specifically to help the average golfer. A recent example of that is Zeroline Golf with their new iOS app, Golf MTRx.


Golf MTRx [me-triks, metrics] is the first golf training and education tool that uses the integrated iPhone® and iPod touch® sensors to measure pelvis movement during a golf swing and then provide detailed analysis and recommendations for improvement. Golf MTRx is unprecedented, allowing golfers to analyze their swing at the range without requiring expensive equipment or assistance.

    • Instantly view your kinetic link data and swing analysis
    • See your MTRx Score and where you need to improve with recommended drills
    •  Learn to build a good foundation for your kinematic sequence
    • Use data to understand how your pelvis is moving at critical points in the swing
    • Complete the practice drills and watch progress as your MTRx data changes and your Score improves
    • Profiles are used to track personalized swing data for multiple people so you can share with your friends and family. *** Great for golf coaches! Create a profile for each student ***
    • The MTRx Score compares components of every recorded swing against pro averages
    •  See split screen animation and chart analysis of new swings compared to your baseline swing
    •  Email your swings to your coach for analysis
    • Post your swings to Facebook
    • Swing when you are ready – there are no prompts or count downs. Golf MTRx has patent pending swing recognition technology that knows when you make a swing.
    • Great shots can be saved as a Baseline or Favorite swings for your comparison and reference.


It was incredible timing that I was reading about the Golf MTRx app when I was notified that I would actually be doing the review for it. The intriguing thing for me about the MTRx app was that its focus isn’t on the swing plane or its idiosyncrasies. Instead, the app focuses on something much simpler, yet just as critical to the golf swing – the hips. This point of focus really caught my eye because I know it is something in my game that I have consistently struggled with, particularly off the tee. With all of the claims the company made about what the app could do, I was extremely curious and excited to get started.


With any product like MTRx, ease of use is always a key component, as it needs to provide worthwhile information quickly and simply. Many swing apps rely on additional devices and transmitters, but the nice thing about MTRx is that all you need is the phone itself. Additionally, no extra clips or holders are required to use the app. All you actually have to do is slide your phone inside of your waistband or belt on the front lead hip side or the back rear hip side. It even works for lefties as well.

The simplest part might actually be how MTRx records the data. Once you start the app, press the “Record and Analyze” button, press “Start Recording” on the next screen, secure the phone, and start swinging. I came away quite impressed at the thought put into the recording process itself. For example, in order to prevent the recording data from being accidentally turned off due to contact during the swing, the “Stop Recording” button must be tapped twice to end each session. Also, after each swing a tone letting you know that the swing was recorded. MTRx only recognizes golf swing motions rather than random movements. Overall, the app’s simplicity and ease of use is incredibly impressive.


Zeroline Golf believes that the movement and firing of the hips/pelvis is the true foundation to a powerful golf swing. With that, the MTRx app has been designed to use the gyroscope of the iPhone to record the motion and acceleration of the pelvis/hips throughout the swing. By measuring four main performance factors (acceleration, deceleration, speed, and tempo) the app actually processes everything into an overall MTRx score of 1-100 that is a comparison to “professional” swings and gives plentiful visual feedback as well.

Each swing taken is recorded in sequence with the date and times listed. On the tab of each recorded swing the “overall score” is shown by a 1-100 number. Additionally, there is color-coded information for acceleration, deceleration, peak time, and speed that is displayed depending on the preference of “expert” or “novice” settings. In the novice setting, each swing tab displays only words colored with red, yellow, or green text determining the grade of each area (poor, middle, and good). If using the expert mode, actual numbers are displayed to go along with the color coding.

Selecting one of the recorded swings opens up more detailed information. At the forefront is an animated diagram that illustrates the motion of the user’s hips throughout the swing and the grades of areas from takeaway, impact, and through the finish. The same information is also shown in a graphical chart. You can also compare your swing to your own previous swings or several pre-loaded ones from golfers of all levels.

When Zeroline Golf claimed that the app could provide tremendous amount of information, they weren’t lying. The breakdown of each swing gives the user access to copious amounts of information. The problem however, is that this can be very overwhelming to look at and try to digest. After recording my swing, I expected to look at the recording and simply the lack of turn in my hips. Instead I was presented with a plethora of numbers that both impressed and confused me. Luckily, each screen has a tab labeled “What the Numbers Mean” that gives the breakdown of what you are seeing. The best thing about the breakdown is that it isn’t just a generic list of information, but instead is of your actual information and illustrations. It is a well thought out feature that really helped make the numbers less overwhelming and much more useful.  For each swing there is even an “Improve Your Game” option that shows the area of issue, provides an explanation of possible causes, and then lists three drills to work on to help fix it. Each drill impressively comes with a complete explanation and step by step picture illustration.


My time with Golf MTRx revealed to me an area of the golf swing that I neglect far too much compared to others. After using the app over time, I really do believe that it has made a difference, particularly in my tee game by helping me free up my hips in a full turn. Golf MTRx is a simple app with an incredible amount of information and Zeroline Golf has done a solid job of not only developing it, but also putting the thought into making it more accessible, understandable, and helpful to its users. Golf MTRx is yet another example of just how technology can have a positive impact on everyday golfers and not just those with access to the best facilities.

Golf MTRx is available for iOS devices on the App Store for $29.99. More information can be found at

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James is a staff writer for The Hackers Paradise along with being a professional educator. With his background in education James seeks to broaden his own knowledge while also sharing it with all those who share his passion for the game.