3 THPers Visit True Temper Sports in Memphis

THPers had read about it for a while, and with the conclusion of the final leg of THP Regional Rivalry sponsored by True Temper, it was time for the all expenses paid trip for the MVPs of each leg of the event.


Ohio vs Michigan – Winner Ohio – MVP Gunner
NY/NJ vs New England – Winner NY/NJ – MVP – O’Carroll
DMV vs Carolinas – Winner Carolinas – MVP – Jeff Spicoli

Each of these three gentlemen earned a trip to Memphis to meet True Temper, learn how shafts are made and so much more. There trip took place this week and below you can find a gallery of the pictures.


There trip began on Monday morning with an arrival into the Memphis airport and being picked up by the THP Tour Van and taken to True Temper HQ to meet the team, get a tour and get surprised with some goodies. Then it was off to dinner Memphis style, with Gus’s Fried Chicken and joining them would be Lauren and Dayson from True Temper.

Tuesday was a drive in the THP Tour Van down to the Amory manufacturing plant to learn all about how shafts are made, ask questions and get a tour of one of the most fascinating buildings in all of golf. After a trip back to Memphis, it was off to Rendezvous for delicious BBQ with Lauren and Chad from True Temper and then a brief stop on Beale St. to see the sights.

Wednesday the MVPs were brought to the True Temper Ridgeway Test Center to learn about the Gear system, see the robot in action, test the latest and greatest in shafts and then play a round of golf before departing to the Memphis airport to conclude the amazing experience.

Take a walk through these pictures and live through the eyes of the participants and you can read all about their experience on the THP Forum thread here.

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