My dog needs your thoughts/prayers


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
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Updated on page 4. Thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers from everyone, it just wasn't meant to be.

Long story medium, we brought my dog in to the vet about 3 weeks ago because he was gagging a lot and they did the usual check up and said he's in remarkable shape for a 14 y/o dog. They said the gagging was typical of older labs and gave us some medication. The medication did nothing after a couple days so we brought him back in and they were concerned he might have a cancerous tumor, so they then referred us to a specialist and after doing $1600 of tests they said he had chronic bronchitis, not cancer and gave him steroids to open up his bronchial tubes. This was a huge relief! He had been doing much better until today the lab results were brought back and he has lung cancer. He's always been an EXTREMELY healthy dog given his age/size so this hit my family and I like a freight train.
The options are surgery or this new and mostly unproven chemo medication called Palladia. Given his age, we're leaning towards the medication because the surgery has a 15% of working and he'll be in pain, not to mention the 9-10k price range compared to 400/mo for Palladia. Both expensive, but one is mostly painless and the other he'll be in extreme pain and we don't want to do that to him.

He's a 14 year old yellow Labrador retriever (he's actually white), and I'm 18 so he's been around all my life and means the world to me. I'm usually emotionally strong but I'm frequently breaking down. I just need some people praying for him, or if you're not religious just please keep him in your thoughts. His life span if the medication doesn't work is 3-6 months. They say a dog is a man's best friend and he really is mine. He's the only dog I've ever owned and can't even begin to imagine life without him. Part of me says he'll get through it, and another part of me is thinking this is God's way of telling us to say our good byes. I really hope he'll make it through, as he is still extremely healthy otherwise. He's still energetic!

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.

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I know exactly what you are going through Floppy, and I hope you know I will be sending many good thoughts your way.

We just went through a similar thing with our boy Bandit so I wish you all the best.
Awww Floppy, my heart goes out to you. I know your pain all too well as I just lost my 13 year old collie last year. There are a lot of people on this site who love their pets and we will certainly be pulling for your dog to make it through this.
Huge dog person here. Hope all turns out well!

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Floppy, you and your boy are in my thoughts big time.
My thoughts and prayers are being sent to you & your puppy. Recently we lost our 17 year old puppy Meeko. For years our vet treated him for an alledged skin desease. Then a new Vet joined the practice and it turns out it was a skin bacteria. It was around for so long that it was untreatable and he was not going to last long. The pain we suffered was crazy. We had paid thousands every year for treatments that were for nothing. When we stopped being selfish we did whats was best for him . Keep your spirits up as best as posible. We were recently blessed with a new addition to our family.An English Cockerspaniel. Stay strong.
Sorry to hear that, we lost our yellow lab to liver cancer last year so I know what you are going through. My son does too, we got her when she was about a year old and the boy was about that same age so they had always been together.
I love dogs, have three of 'em. Their loyalty and unconditonal love make it that much harder to see them in pain or having difficulty.

Thoughts and prayers for Floppy and yourself. Be strong and continue to enjoy him!
Best wishes !
Thinking about you and your best friend. We have 2 dogs that are me and my wife's world. We love the guys and we can understand your feelings right now. We will keep your lab in our prayers.
Thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and your pup. I had to put my Boxer Maggie down on Valentines day and definitely can feel your pain. Mad prayers out that way Floppy. Try and stay strong for your pup but its ok to breakdown my friend. Theraputic.
Thanks so much guys. Really means a lot to me. Helps to read from people who have been through it, as I have not.
I am completely uninterested in everything else in my life right now because of this.
Pets are definitely family members to most people. I feel your pain and my thoughts are definitely with you at this time.
Keep your spirits up and do what's best for your dog. They really are family members that offer you unconditional love and ask for very little in return. Writing this with my lab mix sitting right next to me on the couch, we both hope everything turns out well.
I had to go through this as well a couple years back. It's one of the hardest things to go through, but with all these thoughts and prayers going your way, you'll surely make it through bud. Keep your head up! Hope everything turns out ok.
Your post made me want to cry as I was look at mine and ddec's yellow lab who when we go her she was almost white except for her ears. Hope everything turns out okay for your family and Floppy.
Floppy, I will pray for you guys and keep you in my thoughts. As a lifelong dog owner, and at age 50, I have owned four Rat Terriers in my life with the first being when I was around 10 years old. They do become our very best friends. They are friends like no others. They care nothing about how we look, how we dress, how big our house is, how much money we make etc, they only care about being close to us. Feel free to PM if you just need to talk.
Floppy, I'm really sorry to hear that. My thoughts go out to you, dogs are like family. Best wishes going forward with treatment!
I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through Floppy, I've been there and know just how tough it is. My thoughts are going your way, stay strong out there for your buddy, he and the rest of your family are depending on you.
I'm sorry to hear what you are going through Floppy. I have the same type of dog. Just reading your post makes me not want her to get older. I would probably opt against the surgery as well. I hope everything works out and you still have some more together time with your lab.
Thinking of you and your dog.
my prayers go out for your dog