FS: Bridgestone J40 DPC irons 5-PW

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Bump for afternoon crowd who may not have seen this.
sahgl;ahga I hate you
Bump for price bump :)
Bump for price bump :)

I'm left handed or these would be mine. This forum is loaded with people that change clubs like Abe Lincoln kills vampires. Which is often. Why won't someone buy Kmac's unbelievably low priced irons? For God's sake, he's from Texas, that alone would justify a higher price.


$400 is a stupid crazy price for these irons. What is even more stupid crazy is that somebody hasn't bought these puppies yet. My clubs are only 15 rounds old otherwise I'd be all over them like white on... ahh... a TaylorMade driver.
Thank goodness you're more beastly than me with those shafts or I would be in trouble at that price.
Poor Kmac. This forum is full of Tiger loving cheapskates I reckon.
Poor Kmac. This forum is full of Tiger loving cheapskates I reckon.

LOL @ Tigger loving cheapskates. I love that word. Cheapskates. Guess its time to EBAY them.
Y u no hit from the right side???
LOL @ Tigger loving cheapskates. I love that word. Cheapskates. Guess its time to EBAY them.

All that J40 buzz for naught dude. eBay the crap out of them. Lol.....brand new irons for $400 and not even a nibble.
All that J40 buzz for naught dude. eBay the crap out of them. Lol.....brand new irons for $400 and not even a nibble.

Not one nibble at all. Matter of fact I got more nipples then nibbles.
That does suck, Kmac. If you hit on the correct side, I'd consider it...
All that J40 buzz for naught dude. eBay the crap out of them. Lol.....brand new irons for $400 and not even a nibble.

Not one nibble at all. Matter of fact I got more nipples then nibbles.
If I didnt already have them, I would have bought them. That doesnt help you at all though.
I wanted to buy them, I just can't afford to right now :angry:other equipment was in need of an upgrade. You'll sell them in less than a day on the bay.
That does suck, Kmac. If you hit on the correct side, I'd consider it...

If I didnt already have them, I would have bought them. That doesnt help you at all though.

LOL @ the leftys coming in here and getting revenge on right handed golfers. Taunting me with left handed only money. War Eagle is like "I got one set, not sure I can justify another set even though I hoard clubs better then that ddec guy who used to come on the forums"
LOL @ the leftys coming in here and getting revenge on right handed golfers. Taunting me with left handed only money. War Eagle is like "I got one set, not sure I can justify another set even though I hoard clubs better then that ddec guy who used to come on the forums"
I have two lefty nipples.
LOL @ the leftys coming in here and getting revenge on right handed golfers. Taunting me with left handed only money. War Eagle is like "I got one set, not sure I can justify another set even though I hoard clubs better then that ddec guy who used to come on the forums"

Hahahahaha.....It absolutely bottles my mind that these haven't sold. JB said they're the best irons he's hit this year. Figured someone would buy them.
LOL @ the leftys coming in here and getting revenge on right handed golfers. Taunting me with left handed only money. War Eagle is like "I got one set, not sure I can justify another set even though I hoard clubs better then that ddec guy who used to come on the forums"

Well...they do have different shafts...
I can't believe they are still around for that price.
Hahahahaha.....It absolutely bottles my mind that these haven't sold. JB said they're the best irons he's hit this year. Figured someone would buy them.

I'll throw in a Niblick? Beat to crap Nike VR Pro 3W?
Mark them down $150
I bet someone would make me pay shipping even if they were free. Wtc!

If I talk long enough I'll make you pay ME $400 for taking them! :D
If I talk long enough I'll make you pay ME $400 for taking them! :D

By not buying these irons, you've let me down, you've let Kmac down, hell you the let the whole forum down, but most importantly you've let yourself down. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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