Bridgestone J40 Driver Review Thread

I see what you're saying and for me it's a combination of a few things that has gotten me my distance back. First and foremost it's my swing. I'm not bailing out of the swing at impact thus adding loft and skying everything anymore. Staying down allows me to hit it solidly and not nearly as high. Second the combination of a low spin/low launch is my ideal setup for a driver, I am able to get the exact trajectory that I strive for and that has gotten me a lot more distance. Last it's dry as the desert around here right now so I'm getting just a ton of roll out, which also is attributed to that driver setup and the trajectory.

Good answer Jake. The swing looked pretty sound in your HOTD video I thought.
No driver yet but I do have a few rounds under my belt with a J40 3 wood (14*) I picked up. I had it shafted with a Miyazaki C.Kua and I am loving this combo. The high launch shaft combined with the low spin head have made this thin a fairway finder for me and I am very comfortable using it from the deck as well. Considering I have a similar shaft coming in the driver I could not be more happy with my choice.
Sorry guys! Im in training the next 10 weeks and its gonna be tough for me to THP during the day.

First off Tuesday I really struggled hitting anything. It was a battle but I learned a lot about my misses haha. Off the toe I think this driver kills me. I hit it about 200 with a high fade (the fade isnt that far offline for me). The distance wasn't there either that day. 1 inch shorter and I know thats not a lot but it definitely changes some things for me. I did really like the feel of a good shot. Truth be told its a quite quiet when struck well. The ball really explodes off the face. I noticed that ball seemed to launch high for me but the ballflight leveled out really quick. So the peak height wasn't very high. I chalked this one up to a bad day. I just know that misses aren't going to be terrible but they're definitely a little more punishing than some drivers I've used.

Now yesterday. Nigh and freaking day. I started off the first half much like Tuesday. My dispersion was all over the face. I used impact tape to see what the franks I was doing. I ended up making two small adjustments and just started leveling the driver. I missed one off the toe during the second half (post adjustments) and it was still about 20-30 yards shorter than a good shot. But I really started to see a nice ballflight. Launched higher than my previous drivers and had almost as high a ballflight. The ball just rockets through the air. While it may not be the longest driver I've hit its very consistent (especially around the center of the face) and it works well in the wind. We had about 15 mph winds with gusts yesterday.

Not the longest but not short by any means. I am hitting it longer than I was in Florida last time I hit it though. I also much prefer the ballflight the DI-6 gives over what I saw with the PX in it last time. I used a laser and saw on good hits with ranges balls, the carry was 240+.

Smoooooth. Probably the smoothest driver I've ever hit and at impact on a good shot, you dont feel a whole lot except that ball rocketing off the face. Absolutely love it.

From what I'm seeing, mishits are punishing but wont take you completely out of hole. Just be prepared to bring an extra couple club lengths in my experience.

I'll be back on tonight to answer any questions, really appreciate THP and Bridgestone making this possible! I really believe I made a great decision with this 10.5 head and shaft. really impressed so far.
nice update Tmex!
Nice update marcawesome, 240+ of carry is definitely pretty damn solid if you ask me. You're going to become opposing team's worst nightmare when you get this dialed in. I'm talking to you ddec and Chunky.
Yoccos drops intense knowledge like others drop deuces. Once a day
Nice update marcawesome, 240+ of carry is definitely pretty damn solid if you ask me. You're going to become opposing team's worst nightmare when you get this dialed in. I'm talking to you ddec and Chunky.

Pfft. These guys need a full bag of J40 miracle drivers to beat me. Just not going to happen
Nice update marcawesome, 240+ of carry is definitely pretty damn solid if you ask me. You're going to become opposing team's worst nightmare when you get this dialed in. I'm talking to you ddec and Chunky.

Forget Marcs, I'm not afraid of him. I want me some Jake. I'll let Marcs destroy Chunky.
You're on Mr Nerfny. You gonna wear the straw hat old timer? And if you're calling me out you better recognize and do it in the proper thread or we'll throw the ban hammer on you. I know people who can do that you know.

Marcawesome should be renamed The Undertaker for what he'll do to you guys when he gets this driver dialed in!
You're on Mr Nerfny. You gonna wear the straw hat old timer? And if you're calling me out you better recognize and do it in the proper thread or we'll throw the ban hammer on you. I know people who can do that you know.

Marcawesome should be renamed The Undertaker for what he'll do to you guys when he gets this driver dialed in!

He will be nicknamed The Undertaker due to the deep divots he digs. I will then bury him in the divot.
Finally caught up through 10 pages of greatness, you guys are hammering this thing. Love the range videos Jake, did your little woman quit cooking buddy, you're wasting away man! Not sure I like upside-down Seth, that was a little disturbing but you got the point across. Bullfrog, it looks cold, screw cold! Cap'n is dropping bombs, I like it!

The yardages you all are gaining are insane, speaks to the quality Bstone is putting out with the new line. I look forward to getting to swing this one in May with the Project X, last time I tried it was with the Kasula White and it was amazing then too.
Nice work there Tina. Keep it up bro.
Look its bring your gf to work. Lol

Fear the Frog!! Amphibians can Tapatalk

After the 10.5 got delivered to another address in a town I haven't live in for 2 years (NO freaking clue) and I tracked it down...

The PX 5.5 is out and will be offed (though I am going to try to pull the GP NDMC Black-Out grip on it) and the Talamonti is in and I got a little wild with it, I went 44.5" instead of 45". We shall see how that goes.

After the 10.5 got delivered to another address in a town I haven't live in for 2 years (NO freaking clue) and I tracked it down...

The PX 5.5 is out and will be offed (though I am going to try to pull the GP NDMC Black-Out grip on it) and the Talamonti is in and I got a little wild with it, I went 44.5" instead of 45". We shall see how that goes.

Nice - looking forward to your feedback!

On a side note: you have address issues. Ha
Nice - looking forward to your feedback!

On a side note: you have address issues. Ha

For sure. I'm still baffled by how it went to an address that I haven't used in 2 years. I don't remember being intoxicated when I bought it, at this point who the heck knows though. Sheesh. Crappy day. Crappy.
He will be nicknamed The Undertaker due to the deep divots he digs. I will then bury him in the divot.

I can't multiquote or I would! Chunky, I may fling deep divots but its ball first, even with the J40.

I had another good night with this at the range. I'm starting to really notice the ballflight. I had some tall trees to really compare against and its really, really good. I'm quite impressed with this shaft/Head combo.

It's really quiet on a well struck shot and pretty loud and a not so well struck shot.
Got out for 9 holes tonight. Threw the pop up protector on the club and I became fearless of teeing the ball up high. I liked the results I was seeing. Used it off the tee 6 times. Used the mark feature on the GPS for all but the last one because the gps died. Distances were 228, 268(down wind), 234, 241, 237. Pretty happy with those. The 268 was definitely aided by the wind but I did catch the sweet spot on that one. Knowing that the pop up protector was on the club I was teeing the ball up higher than I have ever been comfortable with. Using the THP tees made it easy to get a consistent height because of the marks on the tee. No golf for me tomorrow but hopefully I can get some in on Sunday. Really felt good about how I hit it on the course this afternoon. Still not the longest driver I've hit but I feel as if I can really grow in to hitting this driver.
I went to the range at lunch again today. Hit a small bucket with the J40. I seem to be hitting it well. Only at the range tho. I played 9 after work and struggled off the tee but the rest of my game was on. Shot 40 with 14 putts. I really need to figure out why I can hit it just fine at the range but no so good on the course. Well today I didn't anyway. I really like the firmness of the PX 5.5 shaft. It makes me feel like I can crank it. So maybe I'm swinging to hard. Heck I don't know. Maybe its all in my head.

Fear the Frog!! Amphibians can Tapatalk
Okay went to the range again. I have figured out that its all in my head. No reason I can't hit it on the course if I can on the range. Today I seen balls that were a mid to high flight. Which is a lot better than what I get with the SF 2.0. I just need to relax on the tee.

Fear the Frog!! Amphibians can Tapatalk
Got out for 9 holes tonight. Threw the pop up protector on the club and I became fearless of teeing the ball up high. I liked the results I was seeing. Used it off the tee 6 times. Used the mark feature on the GPS for all but the last one because the gps died. Distances were 228, 268(down wind), 234, 241, 237. Pretty happy with those. The 268 was definitely aided by the wind but I did catch the sweet spot on that one. Knowing that the pop up protector was on the club I was teeing the ball up higher than I have ever been comfortable with. Using the THP tees made it easy to get a consistent height because of the marks on the tee. No golf for me tomorrow but hopefully I can get some in on Sunday. Really felt good about how I hit it on the course this afternoon. Still not the longest driver I've hit but I feel as if I can really grow in to hitting this driver.

That's some really good feedback there Dean. Gotta love the consistency of the driver.

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Looks like the J40 is getting some work tomorrow. Playing 36 holes at 2 courses Ive played before. But are tough. Playing with thper MarcW. Gonna take Boo Wheatley's advice he said today "just hit the back of the ball." Lol

Fear the Frog!! Amphibians can Tapatalk